Friday, September 23, 2011

September 22, 2011 There WAS Someone Here

The perfect trifecta:

Luke had time between classes.

I had time before work.

Both of us were hungry for Bob's Diner.

We had a great breakfast and got caught up on all the news around the house. I've been gone every evening this week and Luke has been studying for exams.

After we were done, Luke PAID FOR BREAKFAST! That's where he was when I took this picture. I figured it would be a bit too much (not like that's ever stopped me before) to take a picture of him paying for a meal so I snapped a shot of his empty chair.

Yes, it's true that he could have been in the Men's Room, but you'll have to take my word for it - - he was indeed at the cash register and was not robbing the joint!

I like having breakfast with Luke.

I love when he pays!

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