Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 29, 2011 Cracked Me Up!

I saw this septic cleaning truck on my way to work. I don't know why, but it was pulling into Aggieville.

The thing, though, that made this truck picture worthy was the slogan that was on the side of the base of the truck. It made me laugh. A. Lot.

The slogan? "A True American Product". NOT "A True American Company", which would have made sense, but product. And by product, they mean shit. Poo. Number 2.

So, do you suppose that the septic tanks of international people have to get a different company? Does international shit get pumped differently than American shit?

If an American eats a lot of international food, is their shit still a true American product?

These were all questions I was asking myself as I was digging for my camera, leaning out the window and snapping the picture.

These and "what the hell is a septic tank doing in Aggieville?"

September 28, 2011 Work after Five

Ever since school started, I have been giving evening presentations to different groups around Kansas State.

I've been to a number of sororities and fraternities, a gathering of international students and a pizza party at Jardine.

These gatherings always energize me which is exactly what I need at the end of a day filled with students in legal trouble.

We had some laughs (the word "vagina" was used as was the phrase "I've had my share of drunk hook-ups") but at the same time I think (hope) they learned something.

In a nutshell: Never, ever agree to let a cop search you, your car or your house and use your right to remain silent.

And if you are caught drinking underage, it's going to cost you a bucket of money. A very large bucket of money.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 27, 2011 Uncle Jerry

Today we buried CB's Uncle Jerry. He served in the United States Navy so was given military honors.

The last 4 years were not kind to Uncle Jerry. He had had a stroke and had been in a nursing home, completely dependent upon caregivers for even his most basic needs.

Before that, though, Uncle Jerry was a man about town. He drank coffee with friends about 5 times a day. I don't know how he ever got any sleep because he drank so much coffee!

This morning, CB, his sister and I ate breakfast at The Friendly Cooker in honor of Uncle Jerry. He ate there every morning of the world. And drank coffee there a couple of times a day!

I have fond memories of Uncle Jerry. One Sunday, I was at CB's mother's house for Sunday dinner. CB's sisters were there as well, as was Uncle Jerry. He had a brand new van. Brand. Spankin'. New. The girls and I were admiring it and someone mentioned that it would be nice to go for a ride in it.

Both sisters said that it probably wouldn't happen because it was brand. spakin'. new. and it was unlikely that Uncle Jerry would part with the keys.

That's all I needed to hear. Into the house I went, and the smoozing began. It wasn't long before I had those keys and we were off!

Unfortunatley, I overplayed my hand as I told the girls that I could probably get gas money, too. They laughed their asses off because they knew what I didn't: Jerry was cheap.

I never got gas money. But, then again, I never really needed it either.

Here's something interesting. At the cemetary, there were 2 sailors who were the military honor guard. One stood by the gravesite and one stood off to the side with a bugle. At the appropriate time, Taps was blown.

Except that it wasn't. Blown, I mean.

Oh, the bugle was at the lips of the bugler, but he never took a breath. It was a recording. A good recording, but a recording nonetheless.

The effect was the same.

Day is done

Gone the sun

From the lakes,

From the hills,

From the sky.

All is well,

Safely rest.

God is nigh.
Rest safely, Uncle Jerry.

Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26, 2011 Cub Scouts

Here's what I know:

In the field across the street there were 19,000 screaming Cub Scout accompanied by 2,384 screaming den mothers and fathers and an assortment of younger siblings.

There was also a bucket truck from the phone company.

There was a den father, or whatever they're called, in the bucket of the truck yelling directions to those on the ground.

Something about a picture.

Said Bucket Guy: "I can't see any faces." Oh really, no shit? You're up in a bucket truck about 30 feet and you can't make out the faces of the little children on the ground. Really? Who would have thought?

Said Bucket Guy: "Could everyone move a little closer to the truck?" Seriously? It was like herding cats. Those Cub Scouts have not learned following directions yet.

Said Bucket Guy: "Could you please hurry? I don't like heights and I don't like roller coasters." Maybe he was the only one with a camera?

I must admit that they entertained me for longer than I thought possible.

September 25, 2011 Carried Away

I was taking all kinds of pictures on Sunday night at Carlos OKelly's. CB wasn't nearly as amused as I was.

And I was pretty freakin' amused!

This was my favorite picture. It was taken by the Goodyear blimp as it drifted above our table. I thought it was neat to get that kind of attention from something like the Goodyear blimp.

Shoot, I've only ever seen it at football games and then only on TV. But, there it was in Manhattan, Kansas. Right over our table.

The rolling message on the side said: Hope you enjoyed your overpriced meal of make believe Mexican food. The cost of this blimp fly over will be tacked on to your bill.

Well, then.

September 24, 2011 Post #281

Who knew I could anything 281 times? That's how many blog entries I've made so far this year. Haven't missed a day yet.

Remember the dead yard?

It's no longer dead!

Water and sun and love. That's what makes grass grow.

You are probably wondering why I was in my car on a Saturday morning instead of in my bed finishing up a book.

I was on my way to Kansas State to give a presentation to presidents of Greek houses.

On a Saturday. My day off. But, did I complain?

No. I'm nothing if not a full service, one woman legal operation. Who needs a full, 2 day weekend? Especially since CB had to work today as well.

Anyway, I'm loving the new yard. My dad was a big yard guy. His yards were the best in the neighborhood. I'm thinking he'd be impressed with our yard.

Except for that brown spot there on the right. I don't know what's up with that. But, that grass better hurry up and get with the program.

I've killed grass before, I will do it again.

Friday, September 23, 2011

September 23, 2011 Recession Hits Manhattan Road Department

Cities all across the country are looking for ways to trim their budgets. Manhattan has discovered a unique way to not only fill in pot holes, but beautify the city at the same time.

While driving through the parking lot of the Municipal Court Building, I spied a lovely purple silk poinsettia gently placed in a pot hole. A pot hole, I might add, that I've hit more than once.

Just to be sure I saw what I thought I saw, I turned around and drove back by the lovely flower arrangement.

Sure enough, I saw what I thought I saw.

Here's a close up.

I feel like I should submit this money saving idea and get Manhattan some recognition. A large cash prize for me wouldn't hurt either.

September 22, 2011 There WAS Someone Here

The perfect trifecta:

Luke had time between classes.

I had time before work.

Both of us were hungry for Bob's Diner.

We had a great breakfast and got caught up on all the news around the house. I've been gone every evening this week and Luke has been studying for exams.

After we were done, Luke PAID FOR BREAKFAST! That's where he was when I took this picture. I figured it would be a bit too much (not like that's ever stopped me before) to take a picture of him paying for a meal so I snapped a shot of his empty chair.

Yes, it's true that he could have been in the Men's Room, but you'll have to take my word for it - - he was indeed at the cash register and was not robbing the joint!

I like having breakfast with Luke.

I love when he pays!

September 21, 2011 Frat Boys

I spent a wonderful evening with the men of Alpha Gamma Rho tonight.

One downside: Sam Brownshirt is a member and his very large picture is in their lobby. I made a comment to several AGRs before dinner that the brightest spot in my day is the one before I realize that Sammy is still governor. While I thought I was hysterical, they did not.

My presentation was a hoot.

Of course.

I think the guys learned something and had a few laughs. None of them about Sam Brownshirt, however.

Glad my momma taught me some manners because these formal dinners are, well, formal. I knew what fork went where and what that spoon at the top of the plate was for. I didn't spill anything, which was a good thing, albeit unusual.

I should confess that during the course of the evening I said the words "blow job in the bushes in the park".

Oh. Yes. I. Did.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 20, 2011 EWWWWWWWWW

EEEWWWWWWW..........I hate slugs. Hate them.


I never saw a slug until I was in law school and living in eastern Kansas for the first time. One more reason to love western Kansas. (Other reasons include: sunsets to die for, sunrises that make getting up at the crack of dawn worth it, the smell of a thunderstorm on the way, dodging tumbleweeds and the South Drive In.)

Tonight I let Buddy out and noticed a pair of antenna (antenni!) appearing above the step and, upon further investigation, EEWWWWW!!!!!!!!! Times TWO! I didn't even know the second one was lurking in the shadows until I posted the picture here.

I have a few questions.

1. How long have these slugs been traveling to arrive at my back steps?

2. Why did these slugs travel to my back steps?

3. Is there some kind of Slug Fest planned that I should be aware of?

4. If so, is it too late to put my house on the market?

5. Won't the slugs be disappointed when they arrive at the top of my back steps only to find nothing there? Maybe I should put some salt out so they'll remember the trip.

6. Slugs. WTF?

Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19,2011 Full Day's Work Before Work

This is my kitchen at 8:30 this morning.

The laundry was started.

The yard had been watered.

Buddy had been fed, watered, let out, petted, pilled (he takes pills in the morning and evening for crazy itching) and released to the basement.

Crock Pot Lasagna was in the crock pot and the timer was set guaranteeing supper at 6:30.

Okay, so I didn't have time to actually clean the kitchen and it looks like a bomb exploded in the sinks. Still, supper was in the crock pot, that's sayin' something, isn't it?

When I got home, the house smelled good. Sort of like lasagna had been cooking all afternoon.

I must admit that the lasagna tasted like ass and I won't make it again.

It was a good try and for most of the day I felt like I had accomplished something.

It's just that what I accomplished was inedible.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 18, 2011 End of the Day

First of all, what was in the plastic dish was NOT gross. It was chicken and rice and it wasn't that old. And it wasn't moldy. And it didn't stink. So, frankly, I have no idea what that face is all about.

Big day. Birthday lunch for CB's mother who celebrated her 92nd birthday today. Had the Barr siblings here. Cook out and potluck.

CB and sibs went to a 50th wedding anniversary reception for some relative after lunch.

I, on the other hand, took a nap.

Usually, I make CB's lunch because he works such crazy hours. Tonight, though, I let him make his own, and that's why he was trolling around in the fridge. My god, I just noticed that you can see how crammed full the fridge is and how much shit I have on the fridge door.

I think my fridge door will be a picture of the day someday. It's a story in and of itself.

A never ending, always changing, left wing, politically charged story.

Just like me.

September 17, 2011 Tea Time, In Style

My buddy, Susan Watt, has done it again.

First, she invites us over for chili and dominos. And my momma, too.

Then, there's all kinds of good stuff to eat in addition to the chili. And brownies. And alcohol.

Then, she gives me this great tea set. The tea bags are triangle shaped and the tops of the tea bags poke through the lid of the cup.

It's all very sophisticated.

I believe that the next time I have tea, I'll have to wear my Royal Wedding hat.

Oh. One more thing.

The big domino winner? Was me.

It doesn't happen very often, but when it happens, it's AWESOME!

Friday, September 16, 2011

September 16, 2011 A Good Deed

This morning was just like every other morning this week. I parked on the top level of the parking garage and made my way to the elevator that delivers me to my special circle of hell.

Today there was a van parked in one of the handicapped parking spots which is unusual because the handicapped spots on the top level are rarely used.

I noticed that the front tire on the passenger's side was completely flat. The tire was damaged; I could see sort of a tear or something in the side.

I figured that it was likely that the driver wouldn't notice the damaged tire what with it being on the passenger's side and all, so I thought I should leave a note.


I dug into my purse and with all the bullshit I carry around in that damn thing, there was no pen. And I was not about to walk the 20 feet back to my car and get a pen. It was nearly raining.

I did, however, find some lipstick and a scrap of paper so I made do.

I wrote "Flat Tire" with the lipstick and stuck the note under the wiper.

Wasn't that nice of me?

Yes, I think so too.

Are you interested in all the shit I dug through without finding a pen?

A tampon (sorry, boys).

My glasses case.

Travel Kleenex.

My iPod.

My Smartphone (nothing smart about that damn thing, either. Couldn't leave someone a note about a flat tire, could it? Well, COULD IT?).

Notes from my presentation on Wednesday night.


Shopping list.

My camera. Naturally.

My address book.

My personal calendar.

My wallet.

My check book.

My inhaler (which I have not used for 2 years, but you can't be too careful. Well, CAN YOU?)

CB's spare glasses.

A coin purse (that does not contain coins; it only contains my spare car key.)

Christ. What a load of crap (the stuff in my purse, not this blog entry. Although, if the shoe fits....).

But no pen.

It goes without saying that there's a pen in there now.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 15, 2011 Thanks, Kimber

Yesterday a gigantic box arrived in the mail. It look strangely familiar. It looked exactly like the box that I sent to Kimber in June before we met in Hilton Head.

It was! It was the same box - - full of all the goodies from our trip.

And one additional goodie.

Chai tea mix that's just about as good as Massi's chai in London.

Kimber and I drank this every morning on the patio of our condo in Hilton Head. We'd chat about the day to come, the day just past and our days in Dodge City. Everything is just a little bit better when a cuppa is involved.

Since CB leaves the house by 5 a.m. (WTF?) I put on the kettle each morning instead of having him leave me a cup of coffee. We tried that for awhile, but by the time I got to the coffee pot, 3 hours later, it was like drinking tar.

Now I am very British each morning and start the day with a cuppa with sugar and milk.

And a chorus of "God Save the Queen".

Living with me is such an adventure.

Could be why CB leaves the house every morning by 5.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 14, 2011 Bad Penny

Many years ago, in a kinder, gentler time, this goofball was president of the student body at Kansas State.

He was just a kid then.

Shit, he's still just a kid, but he's having a kid in about 2 weeks. Just to be clear, it's actually his wife who is having the kid, Matt is just along for the ride.

One time, when he was living in the Delta Sig house, Matt sold the pop from the fridge of another member. He sold it. For money. When the owner found his fridge empty, Matt feigned ignorance (not much of a stretch if you want to know the truth). But then Matt made a big mistake. He told me about it.

And I busted his ass. Big. Time.

Now that he is a grown up, he works for Satan, AKA Texaco Oil, or maybe it's PetroFina, or some other big oil company that is out to screw the American people. I remind him of this all the time hoping that to win me over he'll make arrangements for me to get free gas for my life.

So far the result has been less than satisfactory, i.e. I'm still paying for my damn gas.

September 13, 2011 Hear the Music?

While walking to my car after work today, I heard the KSU marching band practicing in Memorial Stadium.

So, yeah, this is a picture of that.

Be quiet and listen.

Don't you hear "Wabash Cannonball"?

Try harder.

Maybe you should hum the "Wabash" while you listen.

On the way home, I got behind this massive farm something. I don't think I have ever seen anything quite this big and green on a highway ever before.

And remember, I'm from Dodge City, so big and green stuff is pretty common.

Can I just say that the slow moving emblem on the back of the whatever it is is redundant?

Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12, 2011 BEST. SON. EVER.

What strikes fear in the hearts of women everywhere?

A flat tire. Trust me. This tire is flat. Well, it's really only flat on the bottom. The top is fine.

I saw it when I got out of my car in the parking garage this morning. Didn't worry too much about it because I was at work, didn't have to be anywhere, and knew Luke was on campus.

LUKE WAS ON CAMPUS!! My very own fix-it, come to Mom's rescue guy.

I called him and he said that he'd be by after his 11:30 class.

He showed up with a can of Fix A Flat and we headed to my car.

When he saw my car he said we could drive to Sears on it (I wasn't so sure, but he's the expert) so off we went.

Sears said they'd fix it while Luke and I ate lunch. And, they said they'd fix it for free.

Seriously, can this day get any better?

We ate lunch at Carlos OKelley's then wandered around Borders books. Everything there is 80% off - so we got some books and magazines and spent less than $7.00!

Car finished, we headed back to Kansas State.

So, although I say that I had a son 30 years ago so I'd have someone to carry in my groceries, it was really more than that.

It was so I'd have someone to help me out with a flat tire.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11, 2011 Eating, Napping, Eating

CB didn't work or play golf today. I marked in on the calendar because it happens so rarely, I may need to be reminded that it happened at all.

We all went to Bob's Diner for breakfast which is the perfect way to start a Sunday. People also dining at Bob's made us laugh. I can only assume that they talked about me and had a chuckle as well. In particular was a woman who sent her coffee back 3 or 4 times, insisting that it be put in the microwave for 1 minute each time. That coffee was freakin' hot! I'm not sure the lady ever drank a drop of it. But it kept Luke and me entertained, which kept CB happy.

Nap time followed. (Okay, a couple of loads of laundry followed, then nap time.) I love nap time on Sunday afternoon. In fact, it has become my favorite time of the entire week. Nap time is particularly wonderful when the KC Chiefs are getting their jocks handed to them by the Spearville Girls Flag Football team, like they did today.

It's All You Can Eat Shrimp at Red Lobster so we headed to Topeka for supper. I think the manager sat down and cried when he saw Luke walk in. That boy can do some damage to any "all you can eat" offering. Tonight was no different.

We had to wait for about 30 minutes, so we played "Name Five" while we sat there. Name 5 Johnny Cash songs. Name 5 foods that have a city in their name. Name 5 Michael Caine movies. Name 5 movies with the word "woman" or "women" in them. Name 5 famous sidekicks.

It's a beautiful full moon tonight. However, taking a picture of it from a moving car is not easy. Well, taking the picture is easy, but having the picture turn out isn't.

A spectacular Kansas sunset.

The day would have been perfect, except for the whole Chiefs vs. Colorado School for the Blind football game.

It could be a very long season. But, let's keep those sunsets comin'.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 10, 2011 Scenic Route

Today I drove to Kansas City for a baby shower for my friend, Jennifer. She and her husband are having a baby in November (I'm holding out for November 18th. It's worked well for Luke!).

My history of driving in Kansas City is a checkered one. I've been lost too many times to count and I get frustrated when I get lost.

For this trip, I mapquested the address for 2 different routes, programed my Garmin, took at KC street guide and a map of Kansas. I was ready to go.

I arrived at the shower venue in good shape. No big hiccups because I trusted the British voice on my Garmin. It was like having my pal, Princess Diane of Woodstock, in the seat next to me. (Hi, Diane! Happy belated birthday!)

The shower was fun with crazy games and lots of laughs. Jennifer is a gracious guest of honor. She looks so cute all pregnant and excited. Pretty soon she'll be wondering what the hell happened to sleeping all night and having clothes that don't smell like sour milk!

When I left it was pouring rain and I was really nervous about finding my way back to Highway 10. Turns out, I didn't' have to be nervous because I never did find it and drove all over Hell's Half Acre trying to get out of that god damn town. Finally, I found myself on I 35 which I knew would hook up to either I 70 or Nebraska.

I found I 70 and CB called. He told me to go back to Highway 10 by way of I 435 so I did. I think I put about 500 miles on my car just driving around Kansas City trying to find the way out.

One good thing is that the last night of the Proms was on NPR so I listened to that. It was awesome and I felt like I was in the Royal Albert Hall ( My favorite part was at the end when the choir sang "God Save the Queen".

When I got home, I told CB about my detours and being lost.

He told me "We need to teach you to read a map."


That's what he's doing tomorrow. Instead of playing golf.

That'll show him.

September 9, 2011 Full Day

I'm not going to whine. I am simply going to say this:

It's the end of the second week of school. The. Second. Week.

I left the office at 7:00 p.m.

On Friday.

I will not get in the habit of this.

Rest assured.

After work I went to a fun gathering at Krista's house (Hi, Krista!) Since I had to drive home, I didn't drink, but Krista had loads of wonderful drinks to share. Next time, I'm bringing my jammies and staying the night. (By the way, Krista, that quarter on the counter in the bathroom was mine. You said leave one.)

When I got home, this shirt was waiting for me:

I love it. I can't wait to wear it.

I hope that I'll have camera and internet privileges in jail because at the rate Kansas is going, free speech is headed right out the window.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 8, 2011 Happy Feet

This is at least the second time I've posted a photo of my feet. In both pictures it looks like I don't have ankles. I do, though. I do have ankles. You are just going to have to trust me on this.

I went to a Hallmark store in Manhattan today to buy a couple of cards. The interesting thing about the store however was that nearly all of the cards were sold out. I think it's going out of could a Hallmark store not have cards?

But, I did find these wonderful slippers. They are soft as a cloud and make my feet very, very happy! They have some non-skid stuff on the bottom which I'm sure is safe, but I've about killed myself walking across the kitchen floor. Guess I need to slide just a little bit; these bad boys stick like Velcro.

If I don't make an entry tomorrow, I have broken my neck because of these damn slippers!

If that happens, I hope I'll still be able to feel my feet. Because they'll be happy.

September 7, 2011 Oregon Trail Park

I'm planning a fall bar for the local bar association and one of the possible venues for said party is the local Oregon Trail Park east of Belvue.

It's one of my favorite parks with great walking trails and views and ponds and real bathrooms. Running water and everything. It's true, I do judge many places based on their bathrooms. Forum Hall at K State is a total success. The convenience store on the bypass around Austin is a total FAILURE. *shudder* (We are going to San Antonio in November....I'll post a picture. EWWWW)


CB was home early from work, so he drove Buddy and I to the park so I could check for availability. On the drive, I took some pictures. For the bottom two, CB even stopped the truck.

This silo is painted with scenes of the Oregon Trail.

The Oregon Trail Park has one walking trail that goes straight up (seriously, straight up, and I am not even exaggerating. Well, maybe a little exaggerating, but not much.) and the view at the top is breath taking. Or it could be that you just can't breath because you just climbed STRAIGHT UP for this silly view.

Anyway, after my heart surgery, I was able to make the walk/climb and not feel like I was going to die. The day I did that was a very, very good day.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 6, 2011 The Problem with Requesting Books

Here's what happens when you request a lot of books all at once from the local library.

They all come in at one time.

My priorities are in turmoil. I want to read but I have to work.

What to do?

I read until the wee small hours of the morning (which drives CB nuts. Look, his eyes are closed, how can my reading light bother him? I'm just sayin'.) then go to work. Come home, read before fixing supper, fix supper, eat, then read until the wee small hours of the morning.

So far it's working out, but for the record, if I could figure out a way to get a paycheck by reading the fluff that I love, I would sign up immediately.

Also for the record, I do read books of substance. It's just that in this go around of book requests, all the books were fiction. Frankly, I get enough "real life" bullshit at work to last all day. I come home to escape the real world.

Every year I promise to keep track of all the books I read but I never seem to be able to keep it up. I have 40+ books on my Kindle but sometimes I just want to hold a book and turn the pages.

My book vice? I read the last 3 or 4 pages last. Sort of like eating dessert first and who doesn't love that?

September 5, 2011 Kansas City Barbeque

In spite of our desires otherwise, the time had come to deliver Roger and Karin back to the airport. Since our weekend had clearly been defined on where and what we were eating, Roger suggested that we close it out by going to the original Arthur Bryant's Barbecue place on Brooklyn Ave. It is right down the street from where the old ball park used to be.

That's exactly what we did.

It was great. People were lined up out the door - all kinds of people, tourists (like us), fancy people, people from the neighborhood, people who come there all the time (and are more than happy to tell others in line exactly what to do. They didn't tell us because we were in the know. Roger has been around the block a time or two, you understand. And he's 60. So he knows everything. Just ask him.)

Roger took a picture of Karin, CB and me completely satisfied and nearly in a BBQ coma. Doesn't CB look like the cat that swallowed the canary? I'm not sure what that grin is about except that he ate THE WHOLE THING and his tummy is very, very happy.

In case you were wondering, and I bet you were, I had the beef sandwich with baked beans.

It was a wonderful weekend with friends who are like family. Those are the best kind, don't you think? The family you choose for yourself.

Monday, September 5, 2011

September 4, 2011 Mom's Birthday as Declared by ME!

Nothing beats a family birthday, especially one celebrated at the Brookville Hotel in Abilene.

Mom's birthday was on the 2nd, but I moved it to the 4th just for this year. (Did you not know that I had that kind of power? Oh, I do. Just ask anyone. I used to move Luke's birthday if it fell too far from payday, so I got pretty good at time warping. Maybe it's a single mother thing, I don't know.)

Anyway, we all took Mom to Brookville for lunch today. It was, as usual, awesome.

Roger and Karin hadn't been to the Brookville Hotel for 30+ years and they've never been to the one in Abilene. Karin was drooling in anticipation of the coleslaw and Luke kept asking if I was sure the mashed potatoes and corn were "all you can eat".

I'm sure I heard a groan from the kitchen when the cooks saw Luke walk in. That boy can do some damage to an all you can eat situation!

We ate our fill, had some leftovers, gave Mom her gifts and headed home for naps.

Nap we did. (Isn't that what Sunday afternoons are for?)

At 7:30 on the dot, Momma showed up for a Domino Throw Down. All of us crowded around the table and the swearing began.

Roger, who got schooled BY ME last night in the fine art of dominos cheated his way to victory tonight. Not sure how he did it, but the Scotch helped.

Weather report: GLORIOUS! Karin and I sat out on the deck this morning and she needed a blanket!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

September 3, 2011 Perfect Day

It was a great day. The weather was perfect - in fact it even rained a little!

We started with made from scratch blueberry muffins (I am such a good hostess!) then headed to Topeka.

Our first stop was Monroe School. It's a very interesting place to learn about integration and Brown v. Topeka Board of Education. There was a magnet board upon which you could express your feelings. So I did:
Then we went to Porubsky's for lunch. It hasn't changed in at least 30 years and more like 60! No chili, but I had the cold plate and a beer. It was exactly the same. And the hot pickles? They still make grown men cry for their mommas.

Next stop was Washburn University's Mulvane Art Gallery for an exhibition of art built from Legos. It was unbelievable to see the things that the artist was able to make from little square blocks.

Here is just one example:

We got home and, at some point in the evening, CB and Roger grilled steaks and shrimp.

The meal was so good.

Then we played dominoes and Karin and I sang along with the radio. The guys loved it. Oh yes, it's true. They loved every note that came out of our mouths. They were particularly taken with our rendition of "Y.M.C.A.". In fact, my recollection is that they wanted an encore.

Alcohol count for the day: numerous beers, 2 bottles of wine (one for me, one for Karin) and 1/2 a bottle of Scotch.

Also, I won the domino game. I dominated it. Didn't even cheat. Didn't have to. But, you totally know I would have.

September 2, 2011 Shoppin' for Company

The Barnes are here.

Drinks will be drunk. Drinks will include: 3 bottles of wine, 1 bottle of Scotch, 2 frozen bags of margaritas (I know, it's weird, margaritas in a bag. However, margaritas from any source whatsoever are fine with me), and an unlimited supply of beer.

Fortunately for us, the local liquor store is 2 blocks away at the bottom of our hill. I could, theoretically, ride the lawnmower down for more alcohol if necessary. Not that I've given it any thought, although I did ask CB to show me how to run the mower earlier this summer. He thought I was going to help mow. Silly boy.

Roger and Karin are glad to be "home". Kansas did not disappoint them, there was a beautiful sunset as we were driving to Wamego.

I hope there are no Say Cheese! posts from the Pottawatomie County jail, but when the Barnes and Barrs get together, there are no guarantees.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September 1, 2011 More Liberals!

It seems like yesterday that Ben and David were involved in student government at Kansas State and hanging around my office.

They are great liberals and great thinkers.

In spite of it being against the law in Kansas for 2 or more Democrats/liberals/free thinkers to gather in one place, we did it today at Coco Bolo's!

How refreshing it was to speak frankly about our disappointment with the Democrats and Obama, our complete disdain for the the republicans, our concerns about the future and our memories of their days at K State.

Here's one of the things I remember: David, Ben and a couple of other guys came over for the season finale of "The West Wing". I made chicken and noodles - an entire roaster full of chicken and noodles - and about 10 pounds of mashed potatoes. The guys showed up, bringing me a bottle of wine. (Which I thought was nice of them. Their mommas would have been proud. At the beginning.)

They ate and ate and ate and ate. And ate some more. Then, ate again. They ate all those noodles and potatoes. I had never seen anything quite like it.

Then, we went to the basement to watch "The West Wing". Somehow, the boys discovered CB's stash of beer in the fridge and the party started for real.

After they had drank all of the beer in the basement, one of the kids went upstairs, got the bottle of wine they brought me, opened it and polished it off!

When CB got home from the golf course, he came down stairs to say hello. There he saw about 30 empty beer cans on the floor and an empty bottle of wine! And several slightly tipsy college students! (This is where their mommas might have been mortified.)

I can say without equivocation that it was most certainly the most interesting episode of "The West Wing" I had ever seen!

David, a Topeka native, is now at the University of Oregon and Ben is in Washington, DC. I'm glad that they come back to their alma mater occasionally, and I'm glad that I was lucky enough to spend some time with them.

So, for a short time this afternoon, I was not the only liberal in Manhattan. That felt pretty great.