Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 18, 2011 End of the Day

First of all, what was in the plastic dish was NOT gross. It was chicken and rice and it wasn't that old. And it wasn't moldy. And it didn't stink. So, frankly, I have no idea what that face is all about.

Big day. Birthday lunch for CB's mother who celebrated her 92nd birthday today. Had the Barr siblings here. Cook out and potluck.

CB and sibs went to a 50th wedding anniversary reception for some relative after lunch.

I, on the other hand, took a nap.

Usually, I make CB's lunch because he works such crazy hours. Tonight, though, I let him make his own, and that's why he was trolling around in the fridge. My god, I just noticed that you can see how crammed full the fridge is and how much shit I have on the fridge door.

I think my fridge door will be a picture of the day someday. It's a story in and of itself.

A never ending, always changing, left wing, politically charged story.

Just like me.

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