Friday, December 9, 2011

December 6, 2011 The Promise of a New Year

What is more glorious than a new calendar? Nothing, that's what.

I love all the blank pages, full of potential and hope. One of my favorite things is to look back at old calendars. I still have one from my last year of law school which I wander through every now and then. On it I kept track of day care expenses (I was so poor that the United Way nearly paid me to take Luke to day care!) and the work schedules for my 2 jobs, among other tidbits of information. Sometimes I think I can actually remember the events I wrote on that calendar from 1985!

Every day is just like this calendar - - blank and waiting for me to write on it, to make it my own.

At the end of the day, can I look at what I've written and be satisfied? Proud? Glad I spent a day of my life on what I've done? Tough questions. Questions that I, frankly, don't ask myself enough.

Maybe next year. Maybe next year I'll make the most of each day so that by the end of the year, my calendar will truly be something to look back on and be proud.

But then again. Maybe it will be full of all the bullshit that life seems to throw my way.

Either way, it will won't be blank any more!

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