Monday, December 26, 2011

December 22, 2011 STOP!!!

My "old" car was a 1997 Mazda that I've had for 12 years. It's shorter than my "new" car which has caused Luke some concern.

Why is Luke concerned? Glad you asked.

I pull my Mazda into the garage just far enough so the door will go down. I think it's better to have a lot of room in the front of the garage where people walk as opposed to behind the car. However, sometimes I don't get quite far enough in and the door grazes my car as it goes down. When that happens, I laugh and think how glad I am that my car is old.

Luke, on the other hand, is not so amused.

He decided to help me make sure I get my car far enough in by hanging a ball from the ceiling so I'd bump the ball when the door will clear the back of my car. Great idea, I thought.

And just in case I forgot what the hanging ball meant, he was kind enough to write "STOP" on it.

Guess I have discovered what mechanical engineers do!

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