Saturday, November 19, 2011

November 19, 2011 Busy, Busy Day.

I had a massage this morning at 9:00 a.m. When I was done, I felt like I could take on the world.

Instead, I decided to take on the garage. Well, one third of the garage, anyway. My one third. I don't know how so much shit gathers in one place. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a "before" picture, so you'll have to trust me. Trust me. Do. It.

Last night I couldn't reach the paper towels and my goal today was to reach those paper towels. If it killed me. And it nearly did.

It only took 3.5 hours. I must confess that when I was done, my knee anounced loud and clear that it wished I had NOT done all this in one day. Oh well. That's what Advil and heating pads are for, right?

What you aren't seeing is all the shit I threw away. One barrel plus 2 yard bags full of crap.

Just in case you are wondering if I will work my way out of things to do around the garage:

Never fear. There will be something for me to do. For. Ever.

What to do with my collection of old campaign signs?

I love the Ada Smith for Senate sign. Ada Smith was my grandmother's name. She would have been a hell of a senator, if I do say so myself.

This sign is stolen from the Washburn Law School. My brother and I were visiting the school long after we had both graduated, and I took it off the wall and took off for the car. I have no idea why I thought I needed it, but I did and I've moved it around for 25 years. It still makes me smile.

I don't know if I smile because the message is so in your face.

Or if it's because it's stolen.

Yeah, probably because it's stolen.

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