Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 10, 2011 New Game

I bought this game for my house and someday I hope to play it.

Let's give it a try right now, shall we?

I'll give you 5 clues for something and you have to guess what it is. Sounds simple, doesn't it?

1. Mine is thick.

2. I pay someone to help with it.

3. I could change it, but I don't.

4. It often gives away the fact that I've had a nap.

Here's another one:

1. I have 2.

2. Getting wet is what it's for.

3. I have to be brave the first time each year.

4. It's tempting to cover it up.

I think this game has a lot of potential. Maybe we will play it on Thanksgiving. Oh, and by "we", I mean the girls. This game can not compete with football. No matter how fun I promise to make it!
















The first one was "my hair."

The second one was my "swimming suit".

How did you do?

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