Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 12, 2011 Before and After

I was looking for something in the roll top desk this morning. I couldn't find it. Imagine that.

Every bit of loose crap and useless nonsense is stored in this desk. I know people who have a drawer that is filled with junk, but this is an entire desk: 3 drawers, 4 cubbies and whatever the big area is called, all filled with shit.

Let's clean it out. Come along for the fun.


Here are some items I found: a Nebraska Furniture Mart gift card that expired on May 22, 2008; salt water taffy from my trip in June; a CD of the greatest college fight songs (yes, it was my dad's!); phone books from 2008; discs from my laptop; voter registration cards (which I will now keep and guard with my life since the right wing idiots are making it harder and harder to vote in this god forsaken state); Euros from my trip to France in 2010; 3 blinking lights for Buddy's collar (not sure why he needs 3, especially since we don't use any of them); various nuts, bolts, and keys with no known use.

Glad I had the trash can close by because I filled that bad boy up!


Not bad, if I do say so myself.

But, don't get too excited. I'll be doing it again in a month.

And I still didn't find what I was looking for. Damn it.

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