Sunday, May 29, 2011

May 29, 2011 Recipe to Make You Smile

Let's make a drink that will change your life, shall we? This wonderful summer concoction cools you down no matter the temperature or the number of assholes you've dealt with in any given day.

I make this and keep it in the deep freeze in the garage. There are days when I don't even make it into the house before I have a bit to take the edge off. I am not even joking.

Here are the ingredients you'll need:
2 large cans of lemonade, limeade or orange juice or any combination thereof
1 cup of sugar (I use Splenda)
3 cups of strong tea
1 1/2 cups of vodka or bourbon
5 cups of water

Mix it all together in a large container with a lid.

Put it in the freezer and stir occasionally.

Because of the alcohol content, it won't freeze solid, it will just slush up.

In about 24 hours, it will be "done" and you just scoop some into a glass and eat it/drink it like a slush.

It's hard to taste the alcohol, so beware. This does knock you on your ass.

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