Tuesday, May 3, 2011

April 31, 2011 Post from Buddy

Buddy's life motto is expressed in today's POTD.

However, if his tail wags any harder, any longer, his back end will raise right up off the ground! He'd just walk around on his front paws with his ass in the air.

I love that my dog wags his tail with his entire body. His happiness just explodes out of him. (Sort of like the batch of cinnamon roll dough he ate while it was rising. Ewwww. What a mess that was. Did you know that puked up cinnamon roll dough continues to rise? Take my word for it.)

Buddy has the "wag more" part down. We now need to work on the "bark less" part. When he feels threatened, or thinks his family or house is threatened, he barks and growls and is really mean. He sounds so mean that the postman pees a little when he delivers the mail.

Dog training is on the list of Things to Do this summer. Stay tuned.

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