Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4, 2011 Happy 4th of July, but I Have a Question

Wamego loves the 4th of July. Loves. It.

Big parade. Big carnival. Big celebration.

Big, bigger, biggest fireworks display around. Hand fired (whatever that means). It's huge. And, for once, I am not exaggerating.

Tonight, it started at 10:00 and ended at 10:29. CB timed it.

We sat in our driveway, away from the throngs of people, and enjoyed the show.

We could hear the music from the park which was nice but got me thinking.

Why is it that we have made the 4th of July a celebration of the military? The songs played during the fireworks show were the songs for each branch of the military with "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" thrown in for good measure.

What's wrong with "My Country 'Tis of Thee", or "God Bless America" (oh, don't get me started on that), or "Yankee Doodle", for god's sake. Why do we have to worship the military?

Many, many non military people made this country great. Even some women. Oh yes they did. After all, who do you think those silly founding fathers were married to?

Can't we celebrate our nation, wave our flags, be patriots while at the same time not being militaristic?

When I mentioned this to the family gathered in our driveway, the answer was a resounding "NO".

But, they were, once again wrong.

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