Monday, July 4, 2011

July 3, 2011 Finished Product

Here are the Caramel Sea Salt cupcakes all finished up and ready to go to my mom's.

I've not sampled them yet, so I hope they are edible. I think they look pretty good all swirled with homemade caramel with a sprinkle of sea salt.

Note: do not bother making homemade caramel. Buy the damn stuff, put it in a bowl and tell people you made it. Saves loads of bother. Remember: never let the facts get in the way.

According to family and friends, the cupcakes were good. I wasn't that impressed. Seems like with the amount of work they involved, they should have caused me to bury my face in them and eat them all at one sitting. I had one and that was plenty. My mom's cousin, Noah, had a couple, then a couple more. (I like to cook for Noah!)

CB says to make them again, so if he likes them, that's good enough for me!

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