Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 4, 2011 Damn It. No Picture of What's Really Important!

I had the best day today!

I went to Topeka, shopping with a friend, who must remain nameless because she told me she's going to have a baby! And it's her story to tell, not mine (oh right, like that's ever stopped me before, I know.) so I don't want to tell it here until she says DO IT!!!!

We both bought things we didn't need and things we did. Ate a huge lunch. Laughed. Cried. It was a perfect outing.

I bought a sports bra off the rack (did you hear that? OFF THE RACK!!!) - no pun intended. I haven't been able to that, even after my breast surgery. It was a great day!

When I got home there was no sun on the deck for me to sit in, so I took a nap.

CB and I went to see "Bridesmaids". I have 3 words: Hi. Lair. Eee. Ous. Guess that's 4 words. Bad language. Poop jokes. Puking. Puppies. Funny sex. All the makings of a great movie, right there. Even CB laughed. We laughed as we were leaving the theatre. We laughed on the way home. And, it's true, I woke him up to tell him something funny I remembered. (I am such a joy to be married to. I mean that.)

Here's the picture of the day. I love Winnie the Pooh. I can sing many of his songs, such as "I'm Just a Little Black Rain Cloud", "I'm Winnie the Pooh" and "A Tiggers a Wonderful Thing". I am available for weddings, funerals and bar mitzvahs for a reasonable fee.

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