Monday, June 20, 2011

June 18, 2011 After the Fact

It was an amazing evening. Cool. Not much, if any, wind. The big elm (oak? maple?) tree shading the upper deck.

We decided to eat outside for the first time this year. CB cooked supper on the grill - his specialty: steaks, baked potatoes, corn on the cob.

I set the table and it looked so festive (that's my inner Martha Stewart showing). We even used cloth napkins.

CB had a bone for Buddy, so he joined us. (Luke was out of town, so don't go feeling sorry for him, thinking that he was locked in his room eating oatmeal. He wasn't.)

While we were eating, CB said he heard something in the neighbor's herb garden which is on the south side of their house and directly below our deck. He kept hearing it but didn't know what it was. Buddy heard something too and he didn't know what it was either.

After spending the last week next to Gator Creek, I only knew what it wasn't.

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