Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 22, 2011 He's MY President

Today I got what will undoubtedly be the first of a long line of emails asking me to donate money to the President's re-election fund.

"Obama 2012" has a nice ring to it, don't you agree?

But, as I reflected back over the last 2+ years, I found myself wondering if we, the Prez and I, had experienced more disappointments than successes.

Then, tonight, the President addressed the nation. He addressed me. And I am once again inspired. His vision for our nation resonates with me.

And he's bringing troops home from Bush's war. That no good, war mongering, alcoholic son of a bitch.

So, after he God blessed the nation and his fellow Americans, I went online and made a donation.

That person in the "Obama 2012" shirt? That will be me.

Yep. That will be me.

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