Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5, 2011 Satellite Office of my OB/GYN?

On the floor of the ladies room in the Union was this: While it looks like a bunch of condoms, it is really an examination glove. Why? Why was it on the floor of the ladies room? In the Student Union?

Could it be that my OB/GYN decided to open an annex, performing pap smears while we wait for an open stall? Is this the next greatest idea? Is this what ObamaCare is all about? (Ignore that question, I am all about national health care and admire President Obama for what he has accomplished and am pissed at what the repuglicans have destroyed.)

I want to know what, exactly was being examined and by whom. I'm just curious that way.

Hell no I did not touch it. You crazy?

While doing the dishes, I saw this out my kitchen window. I love Kansas. We have the best sunsets in the universe. The. Best.

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