Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 11, 2011 Bat Phone?

It's a mystery to me.

I went to a rosary last night at a local funeral home. The mother of my secretary in the county attorney's office passed away.

As I was leaving, I noticed this phone hanging on the wall next to the front door.

As you can see, there is no dial. And the phone is red, presumably so it will be noticed, right there beside the front door where a bell should be.

Got me to wondering - - under what conditions would I find myself at a funeral home and need to use a red phone that calls only one place (no dial, you see). Doesnt' a red phone typically signify an emergency? I mean, if the person is dead, then there is no emergency - it's not like that person is going anywhere. I'm not driving the dearly departed to the funeral home myself hoping to save a few bucks.

I do not get the red phone. Now, there is a chance that I may get liquored up some time and have someone take me to the local funeral parlor so I can pick that receiver up and find out just who is on the other end.

If a blog post is delayed until someone posts my bail, keep checking back because it will be a great story.

Happy Birthday, Karin Barnes! You are amazing and a wonderful sister in law!

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