Monday, April 18, 2011

April 17, 2011 Ryan Loves Jelly Beans!

Luke and I met Ryan in Topeka at Red Lobster for lunch. We never need a reason to meet for lunch, but I took this opportunity to jack Ryan up on sugar - - and gave him an Easter basket.

Neither of us are believers any more, but a holiday that supports mega-doses of sugar is my kind of holiday! And Ryan's as long as he gets Starbursts jellybeans.

His shirt is for Dan Savage's "It Gets Better" project - reaching out to young gay people. It's a reaction to the many young gay people who have committed suicide. His message is that being gay does get gets better when you are on your own, or not living in a homophobic small town in the midwest, or not under the hateful eye of judgemental parents.

I love Ryan for his courage.

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