Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 2, 2011 Shopping, Shopping, Shopping

So, Mom and I were going to go to the Menard's store in Manhattan this morning.

Mom changed her mind yesterday.

Luke and I decided to go to breakfast (Thanks, Bob's Diner!) and tootle around Menard's to see what the fuss is all about.

We discovered what the fuss is all about.

It's about this big, honkin' wrench. It is seriously big. And costs $159. Where would you even store a wrench this size?

And frankly? If a pipe that needs this wrench breaks, I'm either swimming or grabbing a canoe!

Went by Mom's when we got back to Wamego.

Mom was not surprised to see me because she had left a message on my home answering machine (while Luke and I were in Manhattan) saying that she had changed her mind back and wanted to go after all.

Luke took my first load of Menard's merchandise home and Mom and I took off for Manhattan.

Shopping with your mother is different than shopping with your son. It's way more fun! Mom and I wandered around that store for over an hour.

Best part for me was finding the stove that I am going to get for my birthday.

Even if I have to buy the damn thing myself!

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