Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 31, 2011 Is There a Blue Moon?

Keep in mind that the angle of camera is as follows: I was holding it at arm's length, pointed towards my feet. This kind of photo makes it look like I'm shaped like an Oompaloompa...little tiny feet and a gigantic ass. While that may or may not be the case, rest assured that if it were the case I would totally NOT put a picture of it on my blog. Seriously. What are you thinking?

Anyway. Today I wore a dress to work. It's true. A dress, a slip and panty hose. No shit. Crazy, right? I love these red shoes. I clicked my heels together all day and never did end up back in Dodge City, where, I should say in complete honesty, I would have gone directly to El Charro's.

I think wearing a dress caused some kind of crack in the cosmic force because I ran into walls and dropped things all morning. And I got a run in my hose. Crap.

When I got home, it took 2.5 seconds to get out of that damn skirt and put on yoga pants. Yoga pants that have never, ever seen one moment of yoga. I'm just sayin'.

Tomorrow? It's back to jeans. I don't want to get too far from my reality. Such as it is.

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