Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 23, 2011 Can't Help But Smile

Nothing makes me smile like a bunch of daffodils. They make me feel hopeful. And, after reading the newspaper, I need a big helping of hopeful.

Wamego has a guy who does its flowers and landscaping. He is truly talented. It won't be long before the daffodils will be gone and there will be tulips everywhere.

I love living in a small town for many reasons. This bunch of daffodils is just one of them.

Spring Break is half way over. Tomorrow I have 7 appointments. I do not understand how that happened. Why aren't these students at home or in Mexico or in Florida or skiing or doing something that does not involve Student Legal Services?

Don't let me forget that I need to post a picture of some bulbs that came up under a bunch of leaves that look like penises. Truly. It looks like I'm growing dicks in my garden. I bet money could be made. I'll save the rest of the tasteless comments until I post the picture.

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