Sunday, August 14, 2011

August 14, 2011 Fire in the Hole. Seriously.

Tonight we are having Cedar Plank Grilled Salmon.

This is interesting for several reasons. First, I do NOT eat fish. Second, I do NOT cook fish. Third, I have never fixed grilled salmon, cedar plank or otherwise.

But, Luke and I decided that we could do this together. I am not sure what possessed us to think that, but we did.

First step: soak the cedar plank. It was too big for the kitchen sink, so Luke put it in the bathtub. We put a brick on top of it to keep in under the water.

You should know that I have several recipes on the counter, I've watched a youtube video and have talked to my personal food writer in Atlanta (Thanks, Kimber) so I am totally confident in what we are doing.

Maybe not totally confident, but sort of confident in a WTF kind of way.

Second step, preheat the grill on high for 10 minutes. Done.

Third step, put the soaked plank on the grill for 5 minutes until it starts to pop and smoke.

This is where the wheels started to fall, er, burn off.

In about 30 seconds, the popping started and there was a little smoke, but not what I expected.

Luke opened the grill, and the whole plank was on fire!

Not to be dissuaded, we sprayed the plank with water and put the salmon on it.

More fire. A lot more fire. A whole lot more fire.

Too much fire.

So, we baled on the cedar plank. Actually, we didn't' have a choice since it was on fire. Seriously on fire. Luke turned on the hose and grabbed the flaming plank, dropped it in the yard and put out the fire. The rabbits living under the deck were all more than a little nervous. Frankly, I was more than a little nervous. Luke was laughing too hard to be nervous!

Fourth step: get the seafood/vegetable grill pan from the kitchen and go to Plan B.

Fifth step: take perfectly grilled salmon off the grill.

CB and Luke said the salmon was good. It looked good, but at the end of the day, it was fish.

And I don't do fish.

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