Thursday, August 11, 2011

August 10, 2011 Back to School Shopping

Luke asked me earlier this week if we could go back to school shopping in Topeka. I took today off work and we headed to Topeka.

Luke and I spent the first 3 years of his life together in Topeka. Like he has lots of memories of Liberal, I have many of Topeka. Not just from our life together there, but also from the years of visiting my grandparents.

My Grandpa Judge and Grandma Ada lived across the street from the law school. As a student at Washburn, it was a nice feeling each morning to see the house where my grandparents lived and where I visited them many, many times.

Their house on McVicar had a brick chimney and in that chimney was embedded a big, black wrought iron "S". I thought it was soooooo cool!

The big "S" is still there.

A fellow law student bought this house and had an engineer come look to see if the "S" could be removed. She said that she'd give it to me.

But, it is there until the chimney comes down. However, when that day comes, I'll be waiting to pick up that "S" give it a new home.

Oh, and we had a grand time shopping for school stuff and just hanging out in Topeka. More than one laugh and more than one eye-roll.

We drove by the house where we lived during law school. The neighborhood is still bad although less bad during the day. And less bad when your child is not an infant but a gigantic, weight-lifting, bad guy's ass kicking, protect his mother at all costs kind of child. I mean, man.

Love you, Luke.

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