Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 2, 2011

Luke drove me to work this morning and treated me to breakfast! That was worth a picture, don't you agree?

Today I went to Salsarita's for lunch with Andrew Wagner, Kyle Reynolds and Paul Mintner. There we were, minding our own business, when the fire alarm started blaring and a kind of spooky automated voice kept saying "A fire emergency has been found in this building. Please vacate immediately. Do not use the elevators. Do not stop and get your coat. You'll freeze your ass off while standing outside only to learn there was not, in fact, a fire emergency in this building."

Being the ruler follower I am (or not), I kept eating and encouraged my lunch partners to do the same. Have you ever noticed that people with no authority whatsoever become Junior Fire Marshalls when the fire alarm goes off? We were told we must leave the building or die in a fiery inferno.

We went upstairs to the nearest exit when another Junior Fire Marshall told us we didn't have to stand outside, but could loiter inside the doors and basically clog up the exit. Yet another Junior Fire Marshall tried to order us around, but we stood fast.

Two firemen wandered by and said, in passing, "It's okay now". (Did I have my camera when there were real, live firefighters next to me? Oh no. Nothing ever happens during lunch....)

That's all we needed to hear. Our Salsarita yummies were waiting right where we left them.

Funniest comment during the "fire"? There were a lot of people gathering and Paul, who must be a bit claustrophobic, stuck out his elbows and said "Everyone look big so we won't be crowded." Everyone look big? Seriously? One glance at me and you can tell that ship has sailed!

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