Unfortunately, that's not the case. These are some of the cupcakes I baked for the RA Resources Fair today.
My office smelled like a cupcake factory. A good smell, if I do say so myself!
This is a picture of the Student Legal Services table at the resource fair. I thought it looked pretty good. Made contact with 90 RAs who, I'm sure, will be using my business card.
I had some great conversations as I handed out information and cupcakes. I also thought about the fall of 1976 when I started my RA career at Fort Hays. No underage drinking problem then. We could drink at 18. For better or for worse, we could drink.
Curtis was glad to see that I brought cupcakes home. Too bad Luke isn't a cupcake eater, or that his birthday isn't this week.
I have enough cupcakes left over for his whole class.
Funny story: my table was in between K State Healthy Decisions and a dietitian who advocates healthy eating! Oh yeah, baby, the old, fat lawyer is handing out cupcakes.
We'll see who the RAs remember!
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