While I was there, some how the conversation turned to my blog and how I have found some really funny signs in bathrooms. (Just how the conversation got to that topic I don't know. It is kind of strange, isn't it? Even for me.)
The insurance agent came in and, being the smart ass that he is, said "I can't believe you even had a camera in the bathroom." Ha! Little does he know that I take my camera everywhere!
Shortly after this picture was taken, the conversation got weird. I was told that the plumbing at the new grade school had gotten clogged earlier in the week. Clogged with what you might ask? I'll tell you: tampons, broccoli and Clorox wipes.
Tampons, I understand.
But broccoli? Did the broccoli enter the sewer system at the same point as the tampons? If so, there are many questions to be answered: Who is putting raw broccoli down the same toilet that a teacher is using? I assume it's a teacher who is using tampons because if it's a kindergarten, first or second grade student, well, then, oh my. If you don't want your broccoli, then don't take it. Don't take it then flush it. Come on. That's just crazy. And, how does the broccoli get from the point where it is on someone's plate to the toilet? In a pocket? In a wadded up napkin?
Now, let's move to the most troubling part of this: Clorox wipes. CLOROX wipes. Wipes that contain Clorox. I'm going to go on the record here and say that I do not want Clorox any where close to that part of me that sits on a toilet. Not any where close. Not even in the same room.
Clorox wipes?
Is someone so paranoid about sitting on the toilet that they are wiping the stool with a Clorox wipe right before flushing their broccoli?
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