Thirty years. Three decades. Ten thousand nine hundred and fifty days. A long time.
When he was little, and I was poor, there were years that we had to postpone his birthday until my next payday. It happened more often than I'd like to admit. But, he learned early that as long as there are presents, the actual date doesn't matter! He was wise beyond his years.
Earlier this week, Luke asked me if we could postpone his birthday this year because he is working on a school project that has to be done by Sunday. Once it's finished, his fall break will be unencumbered by thoughts of homework or school.
We agreed to celebrate next week when things were calmer.
After work, CB and I decided to meet for supper. I did my Thanksgiving shopping after work and needed a drink and CB needed a beer for general purposes. I called Luke and asked him to join us. Usually he doesn't, but tonight he did.
We had a wonderful meal and a great time together.
Luke has grown into such a fine young man. I'm proud of him and the road he's travelled. Luke is well acquainted with tough times and obstacles but he makes the best of what he has. I guess that's one of the lessons a kid learns as an only child of a single mother. Having an absent father made him stronger and more aware of the kind of parent he wants to be.
Top 10 Things I Love about Luke:
10. His knowledge of "The Simpson's". He's a walking Simpson's encyclopedia. Completely useless knowledge, but he's got it.
9. He takes the shortest, most efficient showers known to man. If you are in line for a shower, get behind Luke; he's done before you realize your in line.
8. He loves his pets. No matter if it was a puppy or a bunny, Luke was/is a great pet owner. His first dog was Maggie who had a crippled leg. He thought every dog was made that way. One time he asked me what was wrong with a neighbor's dog who had 4 good legs.
7. His loyalty to the Chiefs. No matter what, Luke is a Chiefs fan. Oh he bitches and whines and moans and carries on, but at the end of the day, he's a fan.
6. He is patient with his crazy ass mother. Very patient. For the last 30 years.
5. He's always up for an adventure. (See #6)
4. He's good to his grandma.
3. His physical and intellectual work ethic is unequaled. Luke works out 5 or 6 times a week and studies all the time. All. The. Time. Although he took the scenic route to college, once he arrived he's kept his head down and kept moving forward.
2. He loves to learn. Often he'll start a conversation with "Did you know...." and the next thing I know I'll be hearing about someone climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro or sharks off the coast of Australia or how a body metabolizes sugar.
1. He has set his own path and done things his own way - sometimes to my dismay, to be perfectly honest. But, Luke has the best of me and of his Grandpa Judge in him; he is a champion of the underdog, he demands fairness and accountability, and he doesn't suffer fools lightly.
I'm proud to be his mom.
Thanks, Luke, and here's to another 30, okay?
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