Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 22, 2011 WTF?

I got a cup of coffee at the McDonald's drive thru this morning. While waiting very patiently for my coffee, I noticed this sign.

It's just the holiday hours for McDonald's, right?

But, is it?

Look in the bottom right hand corner.

SallieMae? Seriously? W.T.F? Every month I write a check to Sallie Mae for student loans. Just like a gazillion other parents of students and students, themselves.

Why in the world is SallieMae on a sign at McDonald's? Is even one dime of the money I pay them going towards paying for this frickin' sign? Why?

Here's what I think: McDonald's ought to be printing their own god damn signs and leave SallieMae the hell out of it. SallieMae ought to stay in the business of student loans and leave McDonald's alone.

I get a funny feeling when things that shouldn't mix, do. Mix, I mean.

Like me and yard work.

Or, reasonable, thinking people and republicans.

Or, fruit and cake.

You get the idea.

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