Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29, 2011 One More Thing Wamego Does Right

Wamego lights up Christmas. Lights. It. Up!!

The main street is adorned with wreathes and snowflakes. All the stores have decorated windows and it's clear that Christmas is on its way!

City Park is glorious! The trees are full of lights and snowflakes, Santa and his sleigh soar over the pond, a Christmas tree sits in the middle of the pond with its lights reflecting in the water like precious gems.

Last year my little town added this scene. Clearly, it's the skyline of Wamego, complete with a windmill. This picture isn't great (I have never claimed to be a photographer! Maybe I'll be better someday.) but it is pretty good considering that I was on the shoulder of Highway 24, sort of angled into the ditch, trying to balance the camera on the side view mirror, and shoot the picture in between on coming cars.

What I go through to get a picture of the day for you people.

November 28, 2011 End of the Day

This beautiful sunset greeted me as I left work today. I took this picture from the top of the parking garage at Kansas State.

Sunsets, like the ocean, always help me with my perspective. There is such beauty to behold if you just pause a moment and look around.

Who could see the sky lit up with orange, yellow and red and not stop to admire the wonders of the universe?

Sunsets also encourage me to pause and reflect on the day just passed. Did I accomplish something? Anything? Is the world a better place because I spent one more day in it? Did I laugh? Did I make someone else laugh? Did I pay someone a compliment? Did I ease someone's burden?

Mostly, though, I stop and count my blessings. Every single day I have something to be thankful for.

Even if it's just the wondrous sunset.

That's enough.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

November 27, 2011 Christmas is Just Out of Reach

My plan was to decorate the house for Christmas today. CB was on the golf course (it's 40 degrees, where else would he be?) and it's after Thanksgiving, so it's time. Right?

I haven't decorated for the past couple of years. Not because I'm a humbug, but because Luke and CB don't seem to care one way or the other and the decorating (and undecorating) falls to me so I just didn't do it.

Christmas arrived anyway. Crazy, isn't it?

This is as close as I got this afternoon. I looked up and found the decorations in the rafters of the garage. Yeah, getting my fat ass up on a ladder was out of the question and yelling at the boxes to throw themselves into my arms didn't work either.

I decided to pay bills (I should have climbed that ladder and thrown myself off of it) and surf the net for cupcake recipes (Caramel latte sound good? What about Pink Lemonade? Shirley Temple - made with maraschino cherry juice and cherry 7-Up? Yummy!).

I'll get the house decorated sooner or later. Looks like it's going to be later.

November 26, 2011 Uh-Oh

Look what I discovered on the Sable! A dent on the passenger's door.

Guess who has been driving the Sable. NOT me. Not ME!!!!

When I pointed the dent out to CB was genuinely surprised. I know he wasn't acting, because I once got an Academy Award in this very category, so I know acting when I see it.

You want details? I'll give you details. The year was 1975, I was a Senior in high school. The drinking age was 18. It was a time of enlightenment in the land.

We had a blue Ford LTD, which I was sometimes allowed to drive, but there was no question that it was my parent's car. One evening I had too much to drink (hard to believe, isn't it?) and chose to drive home. I took a corner too sharply and ripped a piece of chrome off the bottom of the car.

When I faced my dad (scared shitless, I might add), I told him that while driving home from some activity like Bible study, I swerved to miss a dog that had run into the street and hit the curb. I was well and truly sorry and no, I did not hit the dog. Thank goodness.

No punishment was forthcoming. Whew! I did not gloat about my luck; doing so would have caused bad Karma and I didn't need Karma kicking my ass.

Fast forward to 1989. Luke was 8 years old and we were driving to Dodge to visit his Grandpa Judge. Somehow we got to talking about drinking and driving. I told him it was a bad idea and that I had damaged my dad's car while driving after drinking. I told him the whole story and we moved on to another topic.

We pulled into Dad's driveway and Luke jumped out of the car, just like he always did and burst into the house yelling "Papa Judge! Papa Judge!" Luke found Dad in his office and, after hugs all around, started telling him about our trip.

By the time I appeared at the door, I heard my little darling say "And she lied to you and told you that she swerved to miss a dog when really she had been drinking....".

Karma? Kicked my ass anyway.

My dad? Not very happy. At all.

Lesson learned? Do not tell your 8 year old anything you don't want your parents to know.

Friday, November 25, 2011

November 25, 2011 Headed to Dodge

Luke and I spent the day traveling to and from and hanging out in Dodge City. Luke and I have made that trip many, many times. I think the first time he went from Topeka to Dodge, he was about a month old; nearly 30 years ago.

Traveling with him these days is a bit more fun - and no diaper bag is required.

Naturally, our first stop was at El Charro. It was as good as ever. We knew what we wanted before we arrived because we had discussed it en route.

And we got an order to go. Or two. Or more.
Then we went to Boot Hill to buy a book for a friend that I couldn't get on line. The Long Branch Saloon brings back a lot of memories and usually involves me breaking into song. (Just use your imagination.)

While I was making my purchase, Luke had other things in mind.

Seriously, who is this kid? Doesn't he look like a guy who just came in from spending the last year in the wilderness looking for a woman and a bottle of whiskey?

Then, we drove around looking at all the houses we know.

We saw this and about wrecked the car.

We named him "Morris". I don't know why. There is a story, but it's not been written yet. This large camel was in the front yard of a house on Thompson Street in Dodge. Do not overlook the pink shoes, the black and white socks, the decorative neckerchief and whatever the hell that is on Morris' hump.

We drove around the block to get another look and it was still funny.

It was time to head home and my turn to drive.

Since it's western Kansas and in the middle of nowhere, I drove a little faster than the speed limit.
My first ticket in over 10 years (my last one was on Fort Riley with my dad in the car. Oh, that's a great story.)

I got a ticket for 76 in a 65. Luke and I were laughing our asses off, particularly since Luke said he thought it would be funny if he grabbed the cooler and took off running towards the railroad tracks. I said it would be funny until he got shot in the back, then no one would be laughing. Well, I'd laugh for a little while, but then it would suck.

The cop told me "I HAVE to give you a citation." I thought to myself, "no you most certainly do NOT have to give me a citation. You have a huge amount of discretion; you want to ruin my Thanksgiving trip."

For the record: I did not say "thank you" when he gave me the ticket. What's up with that, anyway? Why in the world would I be grateful for a ticket?

For the record, part 2: I did not slow down. Come on, it's a long trip, made even longer by driving the speed limit.

November 24, 2011 Happy Thanksgiving

It was a food orgy.

What more can I say?

When I was little, I remember my Grandma Flo getting up at the crack of dawn to put the turkey in the oven. I was thinking about her this morning at 5:30 when I got up to start the turkey.

Lunch was at 1:00 so I wanted to be sure it got done.

It did.

Along with enough mashed potatoes for an army (what was I thinking? I just kept peeling and peeling and peeling. Pretty soon CB came along and he began peeling and peeling and peeling.)

Add in a bathtub full of gravy and you have my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner at Baby's house.

After eating too much, we gathered for family pictures. Then, the boys went to the basement for football (i.e. naps) and the girls stayed upstairs and played silly games and laughed too much.

Holiday season is here.

And, I love me some holidays!

November 23, 2011 A New Believer

CB asked me to go to his insurance office and drop off a check. (Yes, it's true, he and I have separate insurance offices. It's one of the many, many things we have not combined. Yes, I know we've been married nearly 8 years. No need to get in a rush.)

While I was there, some how the conversation turned to my blog and how I have found some really funny signs in bathrooms. (Just how the conversation got to that topic I don't know. It is kind of strange, isn't it? Even for me.)

The insurance agent came in and, being the smart ass that he is, said "I can't believe you even had a camera in the bathroom." Ha! Little does he know that I take my camera everywhere!

Shortly after this picture was taken, the conversation got weird. I was told that the plumbing at the new grade school had gotten clogged earlier in the week. Clogged with what you might ask? I'll tell you: tampons, broccoli and Clorox wipes.

Tampons, I understand.

But broccoli? Did the broccoli enter the sewer system at the same point as the tampons? If so, there are many questions to be answered: Who is putting raw broccoli down the same toilet that a teacher is using? I assume it's a teacher who is using tampons because if it's a kindergarten, first or second grade student, well, then, oh my. If you don't want your broccoli, then don't take it. Don't take it then flush it. Come on. That's just crazy. And, how does the broccoli get from the point where it is on someone's plate to the toilet? In a pocket? In a wadded up napkin?

Now, let's move to the most troubling part of this: Clorox wipes. CLOROX wipes. Wipes that contain Clorox. I'm going to go on the record here and say that I do not want Clorox any where close to that part of me that sits on a toilet. Not any where close. Not even in the same room.

Clorox wipes?

Is someone so paranoid about sitting on the toilet that they are wiping the stool with a Clorox wipe right before flushing their broccoli?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 22, 2011 WTF?

I got a cup of coffee at the McDonald's drive thru this morning. While waiting very patiently for my coffee, I noticed this sign.

It's just the holiday hours for McDonald's, right?

But, is it?

Look in the bottom right hand corner.

SallieMae? Seriously? W.T.F? Every month I write a check to Sallie Mae for student loans. Just like a gazillion other parents of students and students, themselves.

Why in the world is SallieMae on a sign at McDonald's? Is even one dime of the money I pay them going towards paying for this frickin' sign? Why?

Here's what I think: McDonald's ought to be printing their own god damn signs and leave SallieMae the hell out of it. SallieMae ought to stay in the business of student loans and leave McDonald's alone.

I get a funny feeling when things that shouldn't mix, do. Mix, I mean.

Like me and yard work.

Or, reasonable, thinking people and republicans.

Or, fruit and cake.

You get the idea.

November 21, 2011 Celebrate Diversity

Tonight Luke and I were invited to dinner at the home of an Indian couple. We were treated to authentic Indian food and chai tea. It was heaven!

I had the Indian experience in London at Priya's wedding. Since then, I've been on the hunt for a cup of chai that would taste like Massi's. My travelling companion, Kimber, has done her share of taste testing as well. We've come close, but seem to fall short.

Until tonight. Tonight, I had chai that would make Massi proud!

I can't pronounce the names of the dishes we had, but that didn't stop me from enjoying them!

For starters we had mashed potatoes seasoned with a masala of coriander, curry, chili powder, ginger and other spices, also included were peanuts, lentils, and rice strips. It was served cold, so it was kind of like a potato salad. Kind of. But not really.

For the meal we had baked chicken in yogurt and seasoned with a masala of many, many spices. It was very flavorful but not too spicy. Also, rice that was full of vegetables and lightly fried, a mushroom curry, spinach gravy over Indian style cottage cheese, a yogurt dish with carrots which is used to cool the heat of the Indian spices and Indian tortillas (I am embarrassed that I don't remember the names - which I must admit were repeated to me time after time after time.)

For dessert was a sweet rice dish that was made with a small grain special rice, coconut, sweet milk, coriander and other spices.

Luke and I spent the evening asking all kinds of questions about their religion, their culture, their lives both at home in India and in the U.S. It was a great way to spend an evening.

I know that if my friends read this (and they won't), they'll cringe at my descriptions of the dishes (I need Kimber to write for me like she did from London) but my heart is truly in the right place!

The food was made with love and care and Luke and I are honored that these students offered to share it with us.

Sort of like the first Thanksgiving.

Except Luke and I won't steal their land.

November 20, 2011 Window to my Soul

The door of my refrigerator tells the viewer quite a bit about me. Let's take a tour, shall we?

There's a "Hall for Governor" bumper sticker. Fred Hall was my dad's law partner in Dodge City and was elected governor of Kansas. When Grandpa Judge retired from the Supreme Court, Fred Hall was part of the Triple Play - an interesting chapter in Kansas history. I found this bumper sticker in an antique store several years ago.

Of course, there is my collection of presidential bumper stickers: John Kerry, Barack Obama, Al Gore. Clearly, my fridge is a Democrat. (Isn't everyone's?)

There's a variety of left wing anti-war, anti- republican, anti-Bush cartoons, cards, stickers and magnets. Like: "Protect a Woman's Right to Choose".

Oh, there's a Kim Clark for Congress bumper sticker. That's my sister's name, although she was not the Kim Clark who was running for Congress. That Kim Clark was an openly gay man who, as you can imagine, was not, in fact, elected. Go figure. (I think he is from Minnesota.)

Moving right along, you'll find various grocery receipts and I have absolutely no idea why. There is no reason in the world at all to save those receipts, must less post them on my fridge.

Want a coupon for a pizza? Got 'em on the door. Some might not even be expired.

Right in the middle is a dominos score sheet, proof that Roger won one game of dominos. He's not won since, so this is a good thing to have. Additionally, it pisses me off every time I see it, so I'm ready to play when there is a rematch.

My favorite fridge magnet? The one that says: "I found Jesus. He was behind the couch the entire time." Makes me laugh every time I see it.

The pink feather boa? That's from my friend, Cindy, who died of complications from breast cancer treatment, i.e. medical malpractice, several years ago. She thought every woman should have a pink feather boa.

She was right.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


CB, being the wonderful husband that he is, spent this morning (November 20, 2011) catching up on my blog entries. CB is a man who pays attention to details, unlike his wife who just hopes for the best.

While reading, he called my name and asked me to come into the study because he had something to show me. The tone of his voice indicated that whatever I was about to hear, it was not good. Not good at all.

He tried to soften the blow by saying that I had done such a great job with having a blog entry every day, and here we were nearly through November....but....(don't you just had that pause and the word "but" during a conversation?)

I MISSED A DAY!!! Yes, it's true. There is not an entry for September 30. I checked my photo file and there is a picture for September 30, but it was never posted. So, the question I suppose is this: have I kept my resolution since I took a picture on the 30th? I think I have. And, after all, it's my resolution!

So, here's the September 30 entry. (I couldn't figure out how to add it at the end of September. It's true, I am a dumb ass.)

September 30, 2011 New Bed, Sort of

The Turners (the funniest man in the world and his long suffering wife) are selling this wonderful headboard and footboard at their garage sale.

I wasn't aware that I needed/wanted one until I saw this one. It's perfect for the guest room. Although, the funniest man in the world told me that it bangs around and shakes during sex. TOO MUCH INFORMATION is what I thought. Way too much. I can't unhear that.

And the price is right ($25), in fact it's a steal.

Luke and I will go to Alma to get it and he'll put it on the bed.

Our guests will be so happy.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

November 19, 2011 Busy, Busy Day.

I had a massage this morning at 9:00 a.m. When I was done, I felt like I could take on the world.

Instead, I decided to take on the garage. Well, one third of the garage, anyway. My one third. I don't know how so much shit gathers in one place. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a "before" picture, so you'll have to trust me. Trust me. Do. It.

Last night I couldn't reach the paper towels and my goal today was to reach those paper towels. If it killed me. And it nearly did.

It only took 3.5 hours. I must confess that when I was done, my knee anounced loud and clear that it wished I had NOT done all this in one day. Oh well. That's what Advil and heating pads are for, right?

What you aren't seeing is all the shit I threw away. One barrel plus 2 yard bags full of crap.

Just in case you are wondering if I will work my way out of things to do around the garage:

Never fear. There will be something for me to do. For. Ever.

What to do with my collection of old campaign signs?

I love the Ada Smith for Senate sign. Ada Smith was my grandmother's name. She would have been a hell of a senator, if I do say so myself.

This sign is stolen from the Washburn Law School. My brother and I were visiting the school long after we had both graduated, and I took it off the wall and took off for the car. I have no idea why I thought I needed it, but I did and I've moved it around for 25 years. It still makes me smile.

I don't know if I smile because the message is so in your face.

Or if it's because it's stolen.

Yeah, probably because it's stolen.

November 18, 2011 Happy Birthday, Luke

Luke turned 30 years old today.

Thirty years. Three decades. Ten thousand nine hundred and fifty days. A long time.

When he was little, and I was poor, there were years that we had to postpone his birthday until my next payday. It happened more often than I'd like to admit. But, he learned early that as long as there are presents, the actual date doesn't matter! He was wise beyond his years.

Earlier this week, Luke asked me if we could postpone his birthday this year because he is working on a school project that has to be done by Sunday. Once it's finished, his fall break will be unencumbered by thoughts of homework or school.

We agreed to celebrate next week when things were calmer.

After work, CB and I decided to meet for supper. I did my Thanksgiving shopping after work and needed a drink and CB needed a beer for general purposes. I called Luke and asked him to join us. Usually he doesn't, but tonight he did.

We had a wonderful meal and a great time together.

Luke has grown into such a fine young man. I'm proud of him and the road he's travelled. Luke is well acquainted with tough times and obstacles but he makes the best of what he has. I guess that's one of the lessons a kid learns as an only child of a single mother. Having an absent father made him stronger and more aware of the kind of parent he wants to be.

Top 10 Things I Love about Luke:

10. His knowledge of "The Simpson's". He's a walking Simpson's encyclopedia. Completely useless knowledge, but he's got it.

9. He takes the shortest, most efficient showers known to man. If you are in line for a shower, get behind Luke; he's done before you realize your in line.

8. He loves his pets. No matter if it was a puppy or a bunny, Luke was/is a great pet owner. His first dog was Maggie who had a crippled leg. He thought every dog was made that way. One time he asked me what was wrong with a neighbor's dog who had 4 good legs.

7. His loyalty to the Chiefs. No matter what, Luke is a Chiefs fan. Oh he bitches and whines and moans and carries on, but at the end of the day, he's a fan.

6. He is patient with his crazy ass mother. Very patient. For the last 30 years.

5. He's always up for an adventure. (See #6)

4. He's good to his grandma.

3. His physical and intellectual work ethic is unequaled. Luke works out 5 or 6 times a week and studies all the time. All. The. Time. Although he took the scenic route to college, once he arrived he's kept his head down and kept moving forward.

2. He loves to learn. Often he'll start a conversation with "Did you know...." and the next thing I know I'll be hearing about someone climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro or sharks off the coast of Australia or how a body metabolizes sugar.

1. He has set his own path and done things his own way - sometimes to my dismay, to be perfectly honest. But, Luke has the best of me and of his Grandpa Judge in him; he is a champion of the underdog, he demands fairness and accountability, and he doesn't suffer fools lightly.

I'm proud to be his mom.

Thanks, Luke, and here's to another 30, okay?

November 17, 2011 I Can't Make This Stuff Up

The name of the restaurant shall remain nameless.

While waiting on my lunch companion, I popped into the ladies room where I saw this.

It made me think about the conversation that must have taken place immediately preceding the abandonment of the orange pipe wrench:

Kitchen manager: Hey Plumber!

Plumber: Yeah?

K.M.: I need a hand in here with the Blue Plate Special.

P: But, I'm kinda busy right now. If I don't get this finished, we'll have a bunch of pissed off women. (oh, get it? Pissed off and it's a bathroom....I am soo funny!)

K.M.: I'm the boss. Drop what you're doing and get in here.

P: Okay.

At which point, the plumber did exactly that. Dropped what he was doing and left. He didn't pick up the pipe wrench, put the lid back on the toilet tank, or put an "Out of Order" sign on stall #1.

Makes me wonder who called in sick that the poor schmuck who was doing the plumbing also had to help in the kitchen.

Also makes me wonder about the Blue Plate Special.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 16, 2011 Ouch.

This is my knee. My right knee.

Go ahead and look closely. I shaved my legs this morning.

I've been having on going pain in my right knee but, being the tough bitch I am, I worked through it.

Growing up with someone who had the shit beat out of him, metaphorically speaking, in WWII, complaining about aches and pains was not something I did. If I had a lapse in memory and dared complain, my dad's response was more often than not "shake it off".

Anyway, 2 days ago the time arrived when I could no longer walk like a regular person. I got around by taking a step and sort of shuffling my right leg. I can't even begin to tell you how funny I looked and how much it hurt.

Fast forward to this afternoon and a visit to my doctor. We talked about age and weight (both topics that make me want to freakin' kill myself) but determined that I needed a steroid injection in my knee.

The shot didn't hurt at all. And so far it hasn't helped at all. But I know it will. I'll be patient.

Which will be a nice change for me.

November 15, 2011 Buddy, again.

It's a tough life for Buddy.

Even though everything is going his way, he looks fed up, doesn't he?

Shortly after I took this picture, Buddy followed me into the kitchen. I went on to the garage to get something out of the refrigerator there and when I came back in, Buddy (that damn dog) had a huge chunk of cheese in his mouth.

When, when, when will I learn not to leave anything, ANYTHING, on the counter without supervision?

I yelled from one direction. CB yelled from another and the race was on.

We got the cheese, followed by a discussion wondering if the 5, 10 or 15 second rule applied.

I could tell you, but you'd never eat at my house again.

November 14, 2011 Buddy's Perfect Day

Buddy is one lucky dog. Today he got to go for a ride on CB's golf cart. (Note: the coolers were empty.)

Then, Buddy got to walk home from the golf course. He, according to CB, had many things to smell and pee on while walking home.

I believe that CB was a tiny bit jealous.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 13, 2011 Next Project

Yesterday I was so successful with the roll top desk, that I thought I would continue my streak and clean the computer room.

Then, I thought again.

November 12, 2011 Before and After

I was looking for something in the roll top desk this morning. I couldn't find it. Imagine that.

Every bit of loose crap and useless nonsense is stored in this desk. I know people who have a drawer that is filled with junk, but this is an entire desk: 3 drawers, 4 cubbies and whatever the big area is called, all filled with shit.

Let's clean it out. Come along for the fun.


Here are some items I found: a Nebraska Furniture Mart gift card that expired on May 22, 2008; salt water taffy from my trip in June; a CD of the greatest college fight songs (yes, it was my dad's!); phone books from 2008; discs from my laptop; voter registration cards (which I will now keep and guard with my life since the right wing idiots are making it harder and harder to vote in this god forsaken state); Euros from my trip to France in 2010; 3 blinking lights for Buddy's collar (not sure why he needs 3, especially since we don't use any of them); various nuts, bolts, and keys with no known use.

Glad I had the trash can close by because I filled that bad boy up!


Not bad, if I do say so myself.

But, don't get too excited. I'll be doing it again in a month.

And I still didn't find what I was looking for. Damn it.

November 11, 2011 Don't Tell Luke

Luke has mentioned several times that he would like a pair of fleece pajama pants in KC Chiefs material.

Did you know that I am not a seamstress? I know, I know, it's hard to believe since I do so many other things perfectly.

Mom and Baby (that's what we call my little sister) are the sewing women in the family. I took Home Ec and know enough to find a pattern, figure out how much material to buy and determine if I need elastic or buttons, but that's the end of it.

Baby said that she'd whip up these pants for Luke for Christmas. Isn't that nice of her?

Let's hope that I got a) the right pattern size and b) enough material. If not, I'll just put Luke on a diet and with any luck, he'll fit into them by New Year's!

November 10, 2011 New Game

I bought this game for my house and someday I hope to play it.

Let's give it a try right now, shall we?

I'll give you 5 clues for something and you have to guess what it is. Sounds simple, doesn't it?

1. Mine is thick.

2. I pay someone to help with it.

3. I could change it, but I don't.

4. It often gives away the fact that I've had a nap.

Here's another one:

1. I have 2.

2. Getting wet is what it's for.

3. I have to be brave the first time each year.

4. It's tempting to cover it up.

I think this game has a lot of potential. Maybe we will play it on Thanksgiving. Oh, and by "we", I mean the girls. This game can not compete with football. No matter how fun I promise to make it!
















The first one was "my hair."

The second one was my "swimming suit".

How did you do?

November 9, 2011 Scene (Seen?) from my Car

Sometimes a picture is not worth a thousand words. As I was driving home, the sun was shining and lighting up the fields, making them look as if gold were the crop of the season. You wouldn't get that impression from this photo, I'm afraid.

Perhaps if I actually pulled over, stopped the car, got out and took my time, the picture would be better. Well, not gonna happen, so use your imagination.

If you look closely, there is a rising moon above the trees on the right.

Is there anything more beautiful than a full moon in the fall?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8, 2011 Snow!

It rained all day.

It rained all evening.

When I went into class at 6:30, it was raining.

When I came out at 9:30, it was snowing!

The first snowfall of the season and the snow was perfect for snowballs.

This is how I know I'm getting old: I didn't bring in a handful of snow to throw at the first person I saw.

Both CB and Luke are grateful.

November 7, 2011 Headed Home

CB and I headed home at 4:30 a.m.

CB drove to Temple and drove to Oklahoma City.

Nothing at all happened until we got to Wichita.

Then it started raining cats and dogs.

CB drove to Salina where we stopped for supper at Logan's Roadhouse.

Two words: Yum. Eee.

I love this gigantic sign:
There were peanut shells on the floor and there was loud music playing, so I am sure I could have figured both things out without the sign.

CB got this cute little dessert. And beer.

I got a vodka cherry limeade. I need that recipe.

We got home around 6.

Not sure what to do with all the dogs and cats it rained. I'm thinking I'll skin them and make a coat.

November 6, 2011 Karin's HEB

We went to the Japanese Sunken Gardens this afternoon. It was beautiful. The day was a bit overcast which meant that it wasn't beastly hot, as San Antonio is prone to be.

A new HEB grocery store opened right by the Barnes' house. Karin refers to it as "her" HEB. We decided to go shopping so I could see the store. It was amazing.

I wandered around like I had never been in a grocery store before. Everything was so new and clean and there was such a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and fish and bakery stuff.

I got Luke some tortillas and grabbed some fajita meat. We also got chicken and mac and cheese for supper.

As we were leaving, I told a woman, who asked me if we found everything we needed, that I had a choice between Sea World and shopping at this HEB and I chose shopping at the HEB. Turns out this woman was the manager of the store!

She hooked us up with t-shirts and name tag holders. Karin was over the moon. Now, she has proof that this HEB store is really hers!

After supper, we played dominoes. When the Barnes were here in September, Roger won a round of dominoes and thinks he's a pro.

I kicked his ass.

Just so you know.

November 5, 2011 University of the Incarnate Word Homecoming

I'll share the big news first. As you may not know, UIW fired their football coach with 4 games left in the season. A search was begun and prior to kick-off, CB was named as the new coach.

It's going to be a little problematic what with us living in Kansas and all, but I'm sure we'll work it all out.
Doesn't he look excited and proud and a little surprised?

CB's first order of business was hiring Roger as his assistant. They coached the hell out of that homecoming game.

UIW lost, but they coached the hell out it.

Karin and I had a great time.

The field looked so good.

This was our 3rd homecoming. It was also the 3rd homecoming for UIW. We were there when the tradition began which was pretty fun. Clearly, this has become an annual event!

November 4, 2011 On the Road Again

CB and I left for San Antonio at 5:00 a.m. We were shooting for 4:30 but someone didn't get her ass in gear in a timely fashion. I won't name names, but you can probably figure it out.

We drove to Oklahoma City where we had breakfast at a Cracker Barrel. They were selling this nonsense.

A saleswoman said "They are only $20! What a great price!" I replied, "I'm from Kansas so I don't care if you are giving them away."

She was a little taken aback. But, I said it with love. Bless her heart.

We arrived in SAT around 6:30. No problems on the road, but there was some drama at the continuing legal education seminar. I can't report on it yet because it's still a work in progress. When I do tell you about it, plan to stay awhile, as it is quite a story. And I'm not even in it.

Arriving at the Barnes' house is like going home. It is so comfortable and welcoming. I love knowing that they are waiting for us at the end of a long day of traveling.

I was worried that CB would get sleepy while he was driving, so I took it upon myself to talk to him to keep him awake. He assured me that listening to the radio would do the trick, but, really, it was the least I could do.

I talked. And talked. Then sang awhile.

Then read the signs along the road.

And the sides of semis.

Then talked some more.

And I talked back to the radio.

Sometimes I even waited for CB to talk back. Most of the time I didn't.

It was a fun trip all around.

CB seemed particularly glad to arrive in SAT.

And even gladder that Roger greeted him with not one, but TWO, beers.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 3, 2011 The. Day. From. Hell. Hell. I. Say.

Let's start from the very beginning, shall we?

I got up at 5:30 (what's up with that?) to make more muffins. A meeting with too few muffins is not much of a meeting, if you ask me.

Got the muffins baked and put far away from Buddy to cool. Far, far away from Buddy.

I was scheduled to give a presentation to a class at K-State and had to be there at 8:05. One question: who in the hell schedules a class at 8:05? NOT ME. Anyway, I got there a bit early and was able to find a parking place behind Justin Hall. (This bit of information will be important later.)

At the beginning of my presentation, I told the students that they needed to stay awake because they could never tell what was going to come out of my mouth next. About 30 minutes later I said "shit little green apples" and started laughing! I told them "you would have missed that if you had been asleep!" I don't think anyone dared even nap while I was talking!

The professor said I could speak for 30 minutes or longer....an hour and 10 minutes later, I was done.

Accepted kudos and applause and headed out to my car.

Turned the key to my car. And nothing happened. Nothing. Not. A. Thing. Zero. Silence.


For some reason, I called CB who is 2 hours away and couldn't provide much help. Today was a day that I needed to be mobile.

I called Luke and left a message for him to call me when he had a minute. And headed to Eisenhower Hall.

Eisenhower Hall is where my bestest works. Susan Watt, savior of my world on more than one occasion, was loaning me her car so I could get to court. Then I walked to the Union.

My 10:00 appointment was waiting for me. An hour later, I was late for court.

Did what I do in court and went back to the office. The original plan was for me to head home IN MY OWN CAR after court so I could get stuff done all afternoon.

Luke came by to get me about 12:15, we returned Susan's keys to her and went to look at my car. Luke pushed it out of its parking place and was able to jump start it. He followed me home.

Once we got home, we loaded the car and headed to Kaw Valley State Bank, the venue for the continuing legal education seminar tomorrow, to get it all set up. Luke is amazing. He set up tables, chairs, carried everything in, put water and pop on ice and generally made sure that I remained upright.

Then, I took my car to Western Auto so they could check it over while CB and I are gone.

I made a hurry up trip to Alma to see my miracle worker, Kiley for some beauty miracles.

This is where my car should be!

Packing, making lunch for the trip, getting all my shit in one shoe, you know all the pre-trip chores a girls has to do, is how I spent the evening.

Now, it's time to call it a day. And what a day it was.

I packed a lot of life into this day. Good and bad. The bad wasn't too bad thanks to people who love me.

My garage may be empty tonight, but my heart is full.

Tomorrow we leave at 4 a.m. for San Antonio. I won't post pictures until Monday or Tuesday, but I'll try to blog.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2, 2011 Do You Know the Muffin Man?

There's a continuing legal education seminar on Friday sponsored by the Pottawatomie County Bar Association.

I've done most of the planning which is something I love to do. I will be an event planner in my next life.

However, there is a small problem with the CLE on Friday.

I won't be there.

CB and I are headed to San Antonio for the weekend. (Stay tuned for amazing photos from south Texas!)

Since I won't be there, I need to have everything ready to go and the venue all set up tomorrow afternoon.

Well, the muffins are done.

Thanks to the Muffin Man who lives on Lilac Lane. (If you'll sing the song it actually does sort of fit....go ahead, start singing....you know you want to!)

Oh, and if that song is stuck in your head for the rest of the day, sorry about that.

**Update. 1.5 hours later. Number of muffins baked: 36. Total number of muffins on the counter to cool: 36.

Total number of muffins available to be put in zip lock bags: 29.

Wait. What?

Seven muffins missing. Usual suspects interrogated as only a lawyer can.

That leaves only one.


That little bastard paid me back for Halloween. He ate the muffins, papers and all.

You know what they say: what goes in must come out.

You know what I say? I'm leaving for the weekend. Hope Luke is not opposed to cleaning up recycled cupcake papers.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1, 2011 Surprise!

It's the first day of November. Windows have been scraped, leaves have begun to fall, there's a bit of crispness in the air that wasn't there before.

There's an iris blooming outside the parking garage.

You heard me.

An iris is blooming outside the parking garage of Kansas State. I have proof.

I had to balance all the shit I was carrying into the office in one arm and dig in my purse to find my camera, but I got the picture!

As I was balancing said shit and digging in said purse, it did dawn on me that the iris would still be there when I went to court later in the morning or when I went home in the evening, presumably shitless and more able to dig for my camera. Or, I could have prepared for the picture by having my camera at the ready.

Nope. I juggled and dug and got the photo. Without dropping or spilling or falling on my ass.

I suppose that's the real story here....not that there's a flower blooming on the first day of November.