Let's start from the very beginning, shall we?
I got up at 5:30 (what's up with that?) to make more muffins. A meeting with too few muffins is not much of a meeting, if you ask me.
Got the muffins baked and put far away from Buddy to cool. Far, far away from Buddy.
I was scheduled to give a presentation to a class at K-State and had to be there at 8:05. One question: who in the hell schedules a class at 8:05? NOT ME. Anyway, I got there a bit early and was able to find a parking place behind Justin Hall. (This bit of information will be important later.)
At the beginning of my presentation, I told the students that they needed to stay awake because they could never tell what was going to come out of my mouth next. About 30 minutes later I said "shit little green apples" and started laughing! I told them "you would have missed that if you had been asleep!" I don't think anyone dared even nap while I was talking!
The professor said I could speak for 30 minutes or longer....an hour and 10 minutes later, I was done.
Accepted kudos and applause and headed out to my car.
Turned the key to my car. And nothing happened. Nothing. Not. A. Thing. Zero. Silence.
For some reason, I called CB who is 2 hours away and couldn't provide much help. Today was a day that I needed to be mobile.
I called Luke and left a message for him to call me when he had a minute. And headed to Eisenhower Hall.
Eisenhower Hall is where my
bestest works. Susan Watt, savior of my world on more than one occasion, was loaning me her car so I could get to court. Then I walked to the Union.
My 10:00 appointment was waiting for me. An hour later, I was late for court.
Did what I do in court and went back to the office. The original plan was for me to head home IN MY OWN CAR after court so I could get stuff done all afternoon.
Luke came by to get me about 12:15, we returned Susan's keys to her and went to look at my car. Luke pushed it out of its parking place and was able to jump start it. He followed me home.
Once we got home, we loaded the car and headed to
Kaw Valley State Bank, the venue for the continuing legal education seminar tomorrow, to get it all set up. Luke is amazing. He set up tables, chairs, carried everything in, put water and pop on ice and generally made sure that I remained upright.
Then, I took my car to Western Auto so they could check it over while CB and I are gone.
I made a hurry up trip to Alma to see my miracle worker, Kiley for some beauty miracles.

This is where my car should be!
Packing, making lunch for the trip, getting all my shit in one shoe, you know all the
pre-trip chores a girls has to do, is how I spent the evening.
Now, it's time to call it a day. And what a day it was.
I packed a lot of life into this day. Good and bad. The bad wasn't too bad thanks to people who love me.
My garage may be empty tonight, but my heart is full.
Tomorrow we leave at 4 a.m. for San Antonio. I won't post pictures until Monday or Tuesday, but I'll try to blog.