They are great liberals and great thinkers.
In spite of it being against the law in Kansas for 2 or more Democrats/liberals/free thinkers to gather in one place, we did it today at Coco Bolo's!
How refreshing it was to speak frankly about our disappointment with the Democrats and Obama, our complete disdain for the the republicans, our concerns about the future and our memories of their days at K State.
Here's one of the things I remember: David, Ben and a couple of other guys came over for the season finale of "The West Wing". I made chicken and noodles - an entire roaster full of chicken and noodles - and about 10 pounds of mashed potatoes. The guys showed up, bringing me a bottle of wine. (Which I thought was nice of them. Their mommas would have been proud. At the beginning.)
They ate and ate and ate and ate. And ate some more. Then, ate again. They ate all those noodles and potatoes. I had never seen anything quite like it.
Then, we went to the basement to watch "The West Wing". Somehow, the boys discovered CB's stash of beer in the fridge and the party started for real.
After they had drank all of the beer in the basement, one of the kids went upstairs, got the bottle of wine they brought me, opened it and polished it off!
When CB got home from the golf course, he came down stairs to say hello. There he saw about 30 empty beer cans on the floor and an empty bottle of wine! And several slightly tipsy college students! (This is where their mommas might have been mortified.)
I can say without equivocation that it was most certainly the most interesting episode of "The West Wing" I had ever seen!
David, a Topeka native, is now at the University of Oregon and Ben is in Washington, DC. I'm glad that they come back to their alma mater occasionally, and I'm glad that I was lucky enough to spend some time with them.
So, for a short time this afternoon, I was not the only liberal in Manhattan. That felt pretty great.
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