Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 14, 2011 Bad Penny

Many years ago, in a kinder, gentler time, this goofball was president of the student body at Kansas State.

He was just a kid then.

Shit, he's still just a kid, but he's having a kid in about 2 weeks. Just to be clear, it's actually his wife who is having the kid, Matt is just along for the ride.

One time, when he was living in the Delta Sig house, Matt sold the pop from the fridge of another member. He sold it. For money. When the owner found his fridge empty, Matt feigned ignorance (not much of a stretch if you want to know the truth). But then Matt made a big mistake. He told me about it.

And I busted his ass. Big. Time.

Now that he is a grown up, he works for Satan, AKA Texaco Oil, or maybe it's PetroFina, or some other big oil company that is out to screw the American people. I remind him of this all the time hoping that to win me over he'll make arrangements for me to get free gas for my life.

So far the result has been less than satisfactory, i.e. I'm still paying for my damn gas.

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