Saw this pizza box in the trash this morning in Manitou. Who knew Manhattan and Manitou had so much in common?

On the way north from Woodland, there was evidence of a forest fire and it reminded me of a moonscape. It looked so bare.

But then it happened. I saw a sign that struck fear deep inside me.

According to the map the pavement doesn't end. It keeps going. All the way to the town where I was headed.
The sign trumped the map. The pavement did indeed end. I had no choice but to keep churning along. The no longer paved pavement turned into a dirt road that was wet, like driving on a washboard and nearly straight up. Straight. Up. My heart was pounding and I was not having much fun. Driving through Denver sounded pretty good.
Three miles later, we had pavement!
I met my friend, Curt, for lunch when I arrived outside of Denver. We picked up where we left off about 20 years ago. Great friends can do that.
Then I headed to Boulder. I did NOT take the Denver-Boulder turnpike either. Oh no. Not me. I took the Peak to Peak scenic byway. It was amazing. The mountains were beautiful. I rolled my window down and listened to the water rushing by. It was a wonderful trip.
The day ended with the welcome reception where I met a number of wonderful student legal services attorneys. They are a great group and I'm looking forward to the next few days.
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