Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 29 Part 1: The Royal Wedding

I got up at 3:01 a.m. so I wouldn't miss a moment of the wonder that was the Royal Wedding. Naturally, I had to brew a pot of tea - the English way. As taught to me by none other than my Princess Diane.

Here, I'll show you:

First, you put the kettle on and, when the water boils, fill up the teapot. It's important to heat the pot (or the cup) before you make the tea.

(This is my teapot heating.)

Step number 2: choose a tea. While some people use teabags, I didn't think that a simple teabag was suitable for such an auspicious occasion. I dug through my stash of tea and found a tin of spiced tea I picked up when I was in London. Perfect!

Step number 3: The amount of loose tea you use is determined by figuring 1 spoonful for each cup and one for the pot. My teapot comes with a handy strainer in the lid, so I put the tea in it and let it steep.

Step 4: Drink up! Drink up while enjoying the Royal Wedding!

Here is a photo I was able to sneak from my seat up front in Westminster Abbey. What a great couple.

Here's a shot of the couple leaving the Abbey. We were all so happy.

I couldn't find anyone to take a picture of me in my wedding hat. I'll try to recreate the scene and post it soon.

Since I, too, am a duchess (Sarah, Duchess of Lilac Lane, just ask anyone, seriously. Ask.), I am sure that Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and I will run into each other at the semi-annual duchess convention.

I'll teach her the ropes.

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