I happened to glance out the deck doors and saw a cat in the tree next to the deck. The cat had to be about 25 feet off the ground. It was just sitting there, looking at me.
Could it tell that I hated it on sight? I had never seen the cat before, but that didn't stop me from judging it immediately. No good can come from a cat, as evidenced by "The Cat in the Hat." They smell and they puke and they shed and there's the hair ball thing.
And what was that damn cat doing in my tree? Staring at me. Giving me the evil eye.
Naturally, as soon as I got my camera, the cat made a run for it. He didn't want any evidence that he had been in my tree, waiting for some poor unsuspecting bird to be his breakfast.
I was tempted to let Buddy out and we'd see who had who for breakfast. I think the cat would find somewhere else to eat if he had to deal with Buddy every day.
Hell, I damn near find somewhere else to eat when I have to deal with Buddy every day.
Anyway, I hate cats.
The end.
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