I slept late.
Woke up, read a book, went back to sleep, got up for good long after Curtis had left for the golf course.
Probably would still be in bed except that I spent the afternoon with Matthew McConaughey in Manhattan. (If you haven't seen "The Lincoln Lawyer", you should. Matthew McConaughey is a hottie. Hot. Eee.)
By the way, at the movie, there were 12 people in the theatre. AND SOMEONE SAT ONE SEAT AWAY FROM ME.
WTF? I think they wanted me to share my popcorn but, as we all know, there are only a few things I won't share and one of them is my popcorn. The others? Another story for another time.
Got home from the movie and paid bills. Contemplated suicide but was too lazy.
Read a book. CB came home from the golf course and asked if I wanted to help with the yard work in front. Actually, he didn't say "help", he said "let's do the yard work in the front". Subtle difference.
While he was getting organized, I put out new mini solar lights along the sidewalk. Got them on sale yesterday at Menard's. We'll see how they work.

After I was done with my little project, I supervised CB in the trimming of the shrubs along the front porch. He's only done this twice a year for 7 years, but, still, I wasn't sure he knew exactly what was expected. After all, he's a man.

Then, I went into the garage and saw the west window covered with those god damn Asian beetles that look like ladybugs but are. not. lady. bugs.
These little bastards stink when you smush them and travel in hoards. Frickin' hoards. I bet there were 10 million on my window. At least. No exaggeration. At all.
Now, CB is going to take me out to dinner. What a guy.
The things he does to keep himself on the golf course.