First, it's a Mercedes. Clearly NOT a middle class guy. Probably making his car payments with his social security check. Oh, no socialism there.
Second, who exactly are the "socialist dictators" (plural)? Since most of the people in office around here are freakin' republicans, who the hell is he talking about recalling and voting out?
Third, he parks in handicapped spots all over town and just leaves his car. His travelling billboard.
Fourth, it's a MERCEDES! A foreign car. I don't know why I find that so weird, but you'd think this guy would be a "Be American, Buy American" kind of guy.
Fifth, I know that looks can be deceiving, but, this guy looks dumber than a box of dog hair. As the owner of a dog who produces boxes of dog hair daily, I can tell you that a box of dog hair is DUMB. It ranks right up there with dumber than shit.
Here's what I really wanted....when I jumped out of my car to walk up to his car to take this picture, I was so hoping that he would turn around and make a scene. Oh, I wanted a scene. A First Amendment kind of scene. He didn't turn around and no scene was had.
There's always tomorrow. This crazy bastard isn't going anywhere and neither am I!
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