It's Kansas, after all. This was the scene on our deck this morning. Big, fat, wet snow flakes fell most of the night - perfect snowman and snowball snow.

The trees were beautiful. Every branch was weighed down with snow and it all looked very Christmasy. Except there were no presents.

The drive to work was uneventful as the roads were just wet; no accumulation of the pavement because it has been so warm. In fact, Curtis was on the golf course on Saturday! Temperatures are suppose to be springlike for the rest of the week, so this snow won't last long.
Curtis let Buddy out this morning and I was standing at the ready with camera in hand expecting him to jump around, roll and sniff and get covered with snow. Buddy, that is, not Curtis.
Buddy ran down the steps, did his thing in record time and headed back to the garage. He was not in the mood for snow games this morning.
Neither was Curtis.
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