Saturday, February 5, 2011

February 5, 2011

8:30 Rise and shine. Well, rise anyway.
9:30 Breakfast in Manhattan
10:30 Grocery shopping, Petco (where the pets go), Walgreens
12:00 Home
12:30 Start making Chex Mix for the Reunion.
5:30 Finish making Chex Mix for the Reunion. Damn stuff takes an hour (AN HOUR!) for each batch. That doesn't seem like much when you are making one batch, but kind of adds up after a while....

In case you were wondering, since this has to be stirred every 15 minutes, I spent the entire afternoon working on the trivia game for the reunion (did you know "Vegetables" can be a trivia category? It can, and it is.), typing the minutes from the last Tribunal, printing pictures of college mascots (again, trivia category) and watching back to back to back to back episodes of "Glee".

It's true, I'm a Gleek. A Chex mix making, trivia finding Gleek.

A great Saturday by anyone's measure.

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