Wednesday, February 9, 2011

February 9, 2011

Okay, this is why I carry my camera in my purse and carry my purse into the bathroom. Most every morning I drink a cup of coffee before I leave the house. My 53 year old bladder (hard to believe I'm that old, isn't it? Actually, I'm not that old. Just my bladder.) needs some relief by the time I get to work. This morning, there I was, getting some relief and I noticed the lock mechanism on the bathroom stall door. No shit, it's called "Hiny Hiders"! I thought I would pee my pants laughing. Fortunately, I was in just the right spot for that to happen.

At lunch, Paul Mintner (he is destined to be a frequent flyer on this blog. What a great guy with a wonderful, wonderful sense of humor.) was giving political advice to Nick, a Delta Sig who is running for Student Body President. Can I just say that I LOVE when a Delta Sig is SBP? (Hi, Matt Wagner!) I watched Nick and Paul for about 10 minutes; Nick never said a word. When Paul Mintner speaks, people listen. Or fall asleep. Or commit hari kari.
I just noticed crazy Andrew Wagner (another blog frequent flyer) in the background. What a doofus. He'll deny it, but he is truly the poster boy for doofusness. (It's a word; look it up.) (Seriously, did you just try to look it up? Now you are the doofus.)

Tonight I gave a presentation to some residence of Moore Hall. Here's one of the posters. Crack me up: "7:32"! It was in the basement which is where my daughter, Priya, lived when she was at KSU. Here's a shout out to you, my lovely daughter! I thought of you tonight.

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