In fact, I have decided to use the waterbed to keep my pajamas warm during the winter. Yes, each morning upon rising, I put my blue flannel pajamas (those are penguins if you were wondering or going blind trying to look closer) in the bed, make the bed and go off to work. Fourteen hours later, less if I'm lucky, I come home, unmake the bed, put on the now warm and toasty jammies and I'm set for the evening.
That's Buddy keeping a look out.
A couple of nights went by and the bed was really getting cold. CB's solution was to put some blankets between us and the bed. Buying a new waterbed heater is a pain in the ass. Particularly when you have to do it online since there is no longer a waterbed store in Manhattan.
After a month, I decided that I could no longer sleep on a large bag filled with cold water. Water that was growing ever colder. I am, after all, a fragile, delicate flower. CB should know that better than anyone.
We agreed after a period of reasonable discussion (I'm sure CB's version is exactly the same) that a new heater was required and it was time to get one ordered. I got one ordered that very night. When it came, 10 days later, we had to wait for somewhat warmer weather to install it.
You see, in order to replace the heater, you have to drain the frickin' bed which requires getting the hoses out (and thawing them, in this case), taking the screen off the upstairs window, running water, turning water off, and laws of physics about which I can only speculate. However, we got it all done with a minimal amount of bitching (I'm sure CB's version is exactly the same). It was just a matter of time before we were sleeping on a warm bed again.
This winter, I've been thankful for the warm bag of water I call my bed. I laugh at the freezing temperatures. I thumb my nose at negative wind chill factors. I have heated jammies!
And a warm dog.
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