In the interest of full disclosure: I made the brown rice.
My new year's resolution for 2011 is to take at least one photo every, single day. My goal is not necessarily to be artsy-fartsy, but just to keep track of the year, one day at a time.
Monday, February 28, 2011
February 28, 2011
It was one of those days for me. I was crazy busy and weary by the time I got home. CB came to the rescue and agreed to stir fry "General Tao's Chicken". Buddy had to "help".

I wish we had smell-vision because the aroma of the peppers, onion and garlic simmering along with the chicken was wonderful. (I must admit that I did have to open the door to the deck at one point...there is only so much wonderfulness one woman can stand!)
In the interest of full disclosure: I made the brown rice.
In the interest of full disclosure: I made the brown rice.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
February 27, 2011
CB and I went to see "The King's Speech" this afternoon. CB was a bit of reluctant date, I must admit. He's more action/adventure than he is cerebrial/true story.
However, the promise of lots of popcorn won the day and he agreed to go. I think it also had something to do with no basketball games of interest on TV.
The movie was amazing. I LOVE Colin Firth. Love. Him. He's hot. A hottie. The accent is just an added benefit. Hot. Tee.
CB even said that he thinks it should win the Oscar for Best Picture. No, he has not seen any of the other nominees, so I wouldn't take his declaration to the bank. Yet.
After the movie, we stopped at Smashburger for the best burger we've had since the Hangin' Tree Saloon in Texas. Dropped by the Orange Leaf to see what the fuss is all's all about frozen yogurt and toppings that will make you weep with joy.
This is how old people date. Just in case you were wonderin'.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
February 26, 2011
My friend, Susan, made me smile BIG when she arrived at my house bearing gifts from the Russell Stover factory in Abilene.
My favorites? The chocolate Jesus fish! Wouldn't that just tickle Jesus to frickin' death? How about the solid chocolate Jesus rising from the dead card?
I don't believe in all that anymore and even I find it in poor taste!
Want to know what my alternate picture was going to be today? A shot of my really clean bathroom. So clean I could have used the toilet for a punch bowl and eaten off the floor.
But then Luke came home.
Friday, February 25, 2011
February 25, 2011
The mystery is now solved. This is what your dog does while you are out shoveling snow.
I'm not sure exactly what Buddy thought would happen when Curtis came back in, but it must have been great!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
February 24, 2011
These pictures don't do the scene justice. You have to imagine howling winds, snowing coming down horizontally, limited visibility. Colder. Than. Shit.

Now, the picture that didn't make it: I was in city court this morning and it was snowing like a bastard in Manhattan. Snowing like crazy. A girl walked in to pay a speeding ticket. Nothing unusual about that.
But, she was wearing short, short shorts (if she had a birth mark on either of her butt cheeks, I would have seen it) and little ballet slippers. Coat? Pluh-ease.
I reached for my camera, thinking I could take a picture without a flash. Got my camera out of my briefcase only to realize that the battery was at that moment being charged, in my kitchen, in Wamego. Damn it!
So, picture it, if you would. Then spend a moment wondering how that poor woman is capable of remaining upright.
Oh yeah, I had lunch with Paul Mintner! THE Paul Mintner! It was awesome, of course. He gave me such good advice, I think he should open a booth in the courtyard like Lucy in the Peanuts cartoon.
Advice for a nickle. A bargain.
But, she was wearing short, short shorts (if she had a birth mark on either of her butt cheeks, I would have seen it) and little ballet slippers. Coat? Pluh-ease.
I reached for my camera, thinking I could take a picture without a flash. Got my camera out of my briefcase only to realize that the battery was at that moment being charged, in my kitchen, in Wamego. Damn it!
So, picture it, if you would. Then spend a moment wondering how that poor woman is capable of remaining upright.
Oh yeah, I had lunch with Paul Mintner! THE Paul Mintner! It was awesome, of course. He gave me such good advice, I think he should open a booth in the courtyard like Lucy in the Peanuts cartoon.
Advice for a nickle. A bargain.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
February 23, 2011
They love me.
Note how in the top picture they are bored and dreading the next 30 minutes?
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
February 22, 2011
Then the real world intervened...
I was off to court - district court - big boys court. Stopped in the little girls room on my way out of the Union. Had to put the file down because I only have 2 hands. Going up the elevator in the parking garage I was searching for my keys and realized that my two hands weren't as full as they should be. Back down the elevator I went and met, who else, Paul Mintner (by the way, I am giving seriously consideration to changing my blog title to "Say Cheese, Paul Mintner"!), I told him my tale of woe and headed back to the bathroom in search of the file. Yep, found the file, took a picture and headed back to my car. Got to court only 10 minutes late which was really 5 minutes early. Finally, padding my calendar with traveling time paid off!
Monday, February 21, 2011
February 21, 2011
Other than the cupboard that keeps the potato chips, this is my favorite cabinet in the entire house.
Every Christmas, I give my house a game. Usually it's something I really want to play; something Curtis and Luke couldn't care less about...
But, I remain hopeful that either a bus load of kids will be stranded at my house and need to be entertained, or CB and Luke will become more cooperative.
My money is on the bus load of kids.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
February 20, 2011
However, the conversation and laughs that follow are even better.
Jennifer graduated from KSU on the same day CB and I got married (5-22-04 for those of you keeping track). We've been friends since the day she got up her courage to come to my office and ask to "shadow" me. Jennifer was considering law school and wanted a taste of the legal profession. I think she got more than she bargained for since she didn't go on to law school, but hit the real world of MIS (Management Information Systems) at full speed.
Never giving up on her law school dream, Jennifer is starting the application process and hopes to be a 1L come August. She'll be a tremendous lawyer with a heart for justice and fairness and a goal of giving a voice to the disenfranchised. I'm proud of her!
The best thing about Jennifer is that she rolls her eyes at exactly the right time when listening to my stories about work. Well, that's not the best thing, but it's right up there with making me laugh until I cry.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
February 19, 2011
Eleven years ago today, Curtis and I had our first date.
I thought he was great.
He thought I was "nothing spectacular". (How I know that is another story for another day. You bring the alcohol.)
I'm glad he said yes when I asked him out. (Again, another story for another day. I'll bring the alcohol.)
He's glad that I said yes every time after that.
Friday, February 18, 2011
February 18, 2011
But then, at 11:30, a body appears in the doorway. I glance up and it's Matt King who has been known to piss, moan and whine about not being mentioned in my blog. The fact that I have not seen him in forever, and therefore have not had a chance to take his picture (this being my PICTURE A DAY) notwithstanding.
After greeting me with hugs and immediate laughter, I took his picture. He is now in my blog. Hopefully the pissing, moaning and whining will cease. But, since he's a great Democrat and an even greater liberal and lives in Kansas, I know that the pissing, moaning and whining reason will simply change from not being mentioned on my blog to those bastards running the state.
Matt, this one's for you. And for everyone else, keep a look out for this kid. He is destine for great things.
Oh, and here's the best thing about Matt. He'll be in London on or about April 21 (the wedding day of Prince William and Kate) and has promised to bring me a cheesy souvenir. I'm hoping for a teapot with William and Kate's face on it. I'll settle for a tea towel.
Love you, Matt. Stay in there and pitch.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
February 17, 2011
These are some of the sharp objects my family had to hide from me this evening.
You know how you get ready to go on a trip and the week leading up to your departure is crazy? Frickin' Cray-Zee?
Then you are gone and you are sort of wondering what is happening at the office, but not really because you are drinking?
Then, you get back to the office and realize that you never should have left in the first place? That was my day today.
By the way, the knives I get. I understand the damage they can do. But scissors? An apple corer slicer thing? A potato peeler? After today, though, if I had to, I'd peel the skin off my wrists....
Nah, don't worry....this isn't a suicide note. I'll be much, much direct in my suicide note.
Highlight of the day? All bullshit aside? Was Paul Mintner stopping by because it's Political Scientist Day and he was hugging his favorite political scientists. And my dad said my degree in Political Science wasn't worth a good god damn.
Thanks, Paul!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
February 16, 2011
New washer and dryer? No.
New laundry room? No.
Any reason at all for this picture?
No. Other than the fact that I did a mountain of laundry today.
And took a nap.
Suffered from the "Back to Work Tomorrow" blues.
February 15, 2011
We made the trip TO San Antonio in 14 1/2 hours.
We made the trip HOME in 12 hours.
The difference?
We ate in the car and didn' t stop except for gas and "rests".
Yes, I was driving when I took this picture, otherwise, Curtis would have actually been in the frame.
February 13, 2011
My ah-ha moment? When we were talking about the bullshit taking place in Topeka in the legislature and the governor's office, I asked "who is representing ME in all this? Where is MY voice?" All the right wing, crack pot idiots have more than enough people speaking for them. But me? Nope, no one is speaking for me.
And it pisses me off. Ah. Frickin'. Ha.
February 12, 2011
On Saturday night we played a trivia game. One of the categories was "Would You Rather". Karin, thanks to copious amounts of wine, loved, loved, LOVED that category.
In this picture she was saying, or trying to say "Would you rather go into a church and call everyone an asshole or ..." That's where she would start laughing so hard that we couldn't understand the next part.
If the question were particularly awful, i.e. Would you rather drink a cup of someone's spit or someone's sweat?, Karin would cover her face and just howl!!
It was a successful evening and set the stage for the rest of weekend - at random times one of us would say "Would you rather...." and laughs would ensue!
February 11, 2011
On our way to San Antonio, we stopped at a scenic overview in the Arbuckle Mountains in Oklahoma. This was spray painted on an historical marker.
Frankly, I don't get it.
Oh, I understand why kids spray paint markers.
I don't know what the hell "the only people for me are the mad ones" means. I don't.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
February 10, 2011
So, tomorrow at 4 a.m. Curtis and I leave for San Antonio. I'll be able to post everyday, but I'm not sure I'll be able to post the actual POTD. I promise that I'll take at least one picture every day. I'll be back in full force next Wednesday, so stay tuned!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
February 9, 2011
Okay, this is why I carry my camera in my purse and carry my purse into the bathroom. Most every morning I drink a cup of coffee before I leave the house. My 53 year old bladder (hard to believe I'm that old, isn't it? Actually, I'm not that old. Just my bladder.) needs some relief by the time I get to work. This morning, there I was, getting some relief and I noticed the lock mechanism on the bathroom stall door. No shit, it's called "Hiny Hiders"! I thought I would pee my pants laughing. Fortunately, I was in just the right spot for that to happen.

At lunch, Paul Mintner (he is destined to be a frequent flyer on this blog. What a great guy with a wonderful, wonderful sense of humor.) was giving political advice to Nick, a Delta Sig who is running for Student Body President. Can I just say that I LOVE when a Delta Sig is SBP? (Hi, Matt Wagner!) I watched Nick and Paul for about 10 minutes; Nick never said a word. When Paul Mintner speaks, people listen. Or fall asleep. Or commit hari kari.
I just noticed crazy Andrew Wagner (another blog frequent flyer) in the background. What a doofus. He'll deny it, but he is truly the poster boy for doofusness. (It's a word; look it up.) (Seriously, did you just try to look it up? Now you are the doofus.)

Tonight I gave a presentation to some residence of Moore Hall. Here's one of the posters. Crack me up: "7:32"! It was in the basement which is where my daughter, Priya, lived when she was at KSU. Here's a shout out to you, my lovely daughter! I thought of you tonight.
At lunch, Paul Mintner (he is destined to be a frequent flyer on this blog. What a great guy with a wonderful, wonderful sense of humor.) was giving political advice to Nick, a Delta Sig who is running for Student Body President. Can I just say that I LOVE when a Delta Sig is SBP? (Hi, Matt Wagner!) I watched Nick and Paul for about 10 minutes; Nick never said a word. When Paul Mintner speaks, people listen. Or fall asleep. Or commit hari kari.
I just noticed crazy Andrew Wagner (another blog frequent flyer) in the background. What a doofus. He'll deny it, but he is truly the poster boy for doofusness. (It's a word; look it up.) (Seriously, did you just try to look it up? Now you are the doofus.)
Tonight I gave a presentation to some residence of Moore Hall. Here's one of the posters. Crack me up: "7:32"! It was in the basement which is where my daughter, Priya, lived when she was at KSU. Here's a shout out to you, my lovely daughter! I thought of you tonight.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
February 8, 2011
I was in city court this morning and took this picture on the way to the office. Five degrees doesn't tell the whole story....oh yeah, there was a wind chill of -15. It was frickin' cold. San Antonio, here I come!
February 7, 2011
I know, I know, this is a day late. Really only 8 hours....but late nonetheless. The important thing is that I took the photos yesterday so I kept my resolution. Glad my promise was not to post them everyday!
I saw this view of Jefferies Energy Center on my way home. I love how the steam is minding it's own business, rising up out of the smoke stacks, them WHAM! it's like it hits a glass ceiling and can't go any higher.

I was in Alma at 6:00 for a haircut and saw this sunset. Makes me think of Kansas and the Flint Hills. Could be because I was IN Kansas and the Flint Hills when I took it!
Off to work!
I saw this view of Jefferies Energy Center on my way home. I love how the steam is minding it's own business, rising up out of the smoke stacks, them WHAM! it's like it hits a glass ceiling and can't go any higher.
Off to work!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
February 6, 2011
I spent the morning working on the trivia game for the reunion this weekend. Categories are a hoot. I can't post them here because they are top secret, but suffice it to say that I know more about college mascots and vegetables than I did when the day started.
CB and Buddy watched the Super Bowl. I was in and out but saw most of the second half. I'm not much of a pro football kind of gal...unless it's the Chiefs. However, the next time they are in a Super Bowl, I will probably be in a nursing home and will have to arm wrestle my roommate for the remote so I can watch the game.

Buddy relaxes after a long weekend of walks and football. Just watching him made me sleepy.
CB and Buddy watched the Super Bowl. I was in and out but saw most of the second half. I'm not much of a pro football kind of gal...unless it's the Chiefs. However, the next time they are in a Super Bowl, I will probably be in a nursing home and will have to arm wrestle my roommate for the remote so I can watch the game.
Buddy relaxes after a long weekend of walks and football. Just watching him made me sleepy.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
February 5, 2011
8:30 Rise and shine. Well, rise anyway.
9:30 Breakfast in Manhattan
10:30 Grocery shopping, Petco (where the pets go), Walgreens
12:00 Home
12:30 Start making Chex Mix for the Reunion.
5:30 Finish making Chex Mix for the Reunion. Damn stuff takes an hour (AN HOUR!) for each batch. That doesn't seem like much when you are making one batch, but kind of adds up after a while....

In case you were wondering, since this has to be stirred every 15 minutes, I spent the entire afternoon working on the trivia game for the reunion (did you know "Vegetables" can be a trivia category? It can, and it is.), typing the minutes from the last Tribunal, printing pictures of college mascots (again, trivia category) and watching back to back to back to back episodes of "Glee".
It's true, I'm a Gleek. A Chex mix making, trivia finding Gleek.
A great Saturday by anyone's measure.
9:30 Breakfast in Manhattan
10:30 Grocery shopping, Petco (where the pets go), Walgreens
12:00 Home
12:30 Start making Chex Mix for the Reunion.
5:30 Finish making Chex Mix for the Reunion. Damn stuff takes an hour (AN HOUR!) for each batch. That doesn't seem like much when you are making one batch, but kind of adds up after a while....
It's true, I'm a Gleek. A Chex mix making, trivia finding Gleek.
A great Saturday by anyone's measure.
Friday, February 4, 2011
February 4, 2011
Don't you love it, LOVE IT, when you see your name on big trucks? I do. I think it is soooo great to see my name in big letters - the fact that it's usually on a truck carrying baked goods is just an added benefit.
I also love that my name is really, truly, Sarah Leigh. And you know what they say about Sarah Leigh: Everybody doesn't like something, but nobody doesn't like Sarah Leigh.
This day did not start out as a two picture day, but as I was walking to lunch in Aggieville, I saw this poster. I walked past it. Started laughing. Went back and took a picture of it. Laughed all the way to the SoLong Saloon.
I think this could describe our reunion weekends in San Antonio. Since there is one coming up next weekend, I'll let you know.
I also love that my name is really, truly, Sarah Leigh. And you know what they say about Sarah Leigh: Everybody doesn't like something, but nobody doesn't like Sarah Leigh.
This day did not start out as a two picture day, but as I was walking to lunch in Aggieville, I saw this poster. I walked past it. Started laughing. Went back and took a picture of it. Laughed all the way to the SoLong Saloon.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
February 3, 2011
A long time ago, Curtis (AKA CB) bought a waterbed, never intending that he would be sharing it with a woman. Or with me, for that matter. I love that waterbed. Love it, I say. I love climbing into it on a cold night and hunkering down in that huge bag of 98 degree water.
In fact, I have decided to use the waterbed to keep my pajamas warm during the winter. Yes, each morning upon rising, I put my blue flannel pajamas (those are penguins if you were wondering or going blind trying to look closer) in the bed, make the bed and go off to work. Fourteen hours later, less if I'm lucky, I come home, unmake the bed, put on the now warm and toasty jammies and I'm set for the evening.
That's Buddy keeping a look out.
But, about the waterbed....several months ago, when the weather was cooling down a bit, I said to CB "CB, does the waterbed feel sort of cool to you?" He said he didn't know. Which is usually his answer to my questions.
A couple of nights went by and the bed was really getting cold. CB's solution was to put some blankets between us and the bed. Buying a new waterbed heater is a pain in the ass. Particularly when you have to do it online since there is no longer a waterbed store in Manhattan.
After a month, I decided that I could no longer sleep on a large bag filled with cold water. Water that was growing ever colder. I am, after all, a fragile, delicate flower. CB should know that better than anyone.
We agreed after a period of reasonable discussion (I'm sure CB's version is exactly the same) that a new heater was required and it was time to get one ordered. I got one ordered that very night. When it came, 10 days later, we had to wait for somewhat warmer weather to install it.
You see, in order to replace the heater, you have to drain the frickin' bed which requires getting the hoses out (and thawing them, in this case), taking the screen off the upstairs window, running water, turning water off, and laws of physics about which I can only speculate. However, we got it all done with a minimal amount of bitching (I'm sure CB's version is exactly the same). It was just a matter of time before we were sleeping on a warm bed again.
This winter, I've been thankful for the warm bag of water I call my bed. I laugh at the freezing temperatures. I thumb my nose at negative wind chill factors. I have heated jammies!
And a warm dog.
In fact, I have decided to use the waterbed to keep my pajamas warm during the winter. Yes, each morning upon rising, I put my blue flannel pajamas (those are penguins if you were wondering or going blind trying to look closer) in the bed, make the bed and go off to work. Fourteen hours later, less if I'm lucky, I come home, unmake the bed, put on the now warm and toasty jammies and I'm set for the evening.
That's Buddy keeping a look out.
A couple of nights went by and the bed was really getting cold. CB's solution was to put some blankets between us and the bed. Buying a new waterbed heater is a pain in the ass. Particularly when you have to do it online since there is no longer a waterbed store in Manhattan.
After a month, I decided that I could no longer sleep on a large bag filled with cold water. Water that was growing ever colder. I am, after all, a fragile, delicate flower. CB should know that better than anyone.
We agreed after a period of reasonable discussion (I'm sure CB's version is exactly the same) that a new heater was required and it was time to get one ordered. I got one ordered that very night. When it came, 10 days later, we had to wait for somewhat warmer weather to install it.
You see, in order to replace the heater, you have to drain the frickin' bed which requires getting the hoses out (and thawing them, in this case), taking the screen off the upstairs window, running water, turning water off, and laws of physics about which I can only speculate. However, we got it all done with a minimal amount of bitching (I'm sure CB's version is exactly the same). It was just a matter of time before we were sleeping on a warm bed again.
This winter, I've been thankful for the warm bag of water I call my bed. I laugh at the freezing temperatures. I thumb my nose at negative wind chill factors. I have heated jammies!
And a warm dog.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
February 2, 2011
Being the ruler follower I am (or not), I kept eating and encouraged my lunch partners to do the same. Have you ever noticed that people with no authority whatsoever become Junior Fire Marshalls when the fire alarm goes off? We were told we must leave the building or die in a fiery inferno.
We went upstairs to the nearest exit when another Junior Fire Marshall told us we didn't have to stand outside, but could loiter inside the doors and basically clog up the exit. Yet another Junior Fire Marshall tried to order us around, but we stood fast.
Two firemen wandered by and said, in passing, "It's okay now". (Did I have my camera when there were real, live firefighters next to me? Oh no. Nothing ever happens during lunch....)
That's all we needed to hear. Our Salsarita yummies were waiting right where we left them.
Funniest comment during the "fire"? There were a lot of people gathering and Paul, who must be a bit claustrophobic, stuck out his elbows and said "Everyone look big so we won't be crowded." Everyone look big? Seriously? One glance at me and you can tell that ship has sailed!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
February 1, 2011 Snow Day!
Even my POTD was taken from the inside out!
When I talked to my mom this morning, she said there are only 53 days until Spring. But who's counting?
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