Isn't it crazy the things you notice if you just pay attention? It helps if you expect the unexpected.
I for one, love balloons. Back in the day when I had to keep large groups of kids entertained, I could do just that with a balloon (and it had nothing to do with anyone being naked.). Seriously, there are a million games you can play with a balloon.
I wonder if my attraction to these balloons is that black and gold are the colors of my alma mater, Fort Hays State University? I doubt it.
But I do wonder if these balloons were released on purpose or somehow escaped? If they were released, then the people who released them were idiots since there are many, many places close to the Union which aren't thick with balloon eating trees. Wouldn't that have been something to see - this chain of black and gold balloons rising higher and higher?
Much better than watching a chain of balloons rising and BOOM getting caught in the trees that are right there.
Do you think anyone but me gave a second thought to these balloons? What does that say about all the people who didn't notice?
On the other hand, what does that say about me?
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