My stocking (on the right) was made by my great aunt. She made one for my brother, my sister and me. I have such wonderful memories of waking up early on Christmas morning and running downstairs with my brother and sister and finding our stockings filled to the brim! Always an apple and an orange and usually some other goodies, maybe a small toy.
I love that my stocking has "Sara" instead of "Sarah". One more bit of evidence that the rebel in me changed the spelling of my name in 3rd grade. Another story for another time.
Luke's stocking (on the left) makes my heart sing. When I was pregnant with him, I worked and worked on that stocking. We lived in the ghetto of Topeka and I was waiting to start law school. Back then sonograms weren't done as a matter of course, so the doctors didn't know if I was having a boy or a girl. But I knew. I just knew that I was going to have a little boy and that his name would be Luke. I put the name on the stocking about 3 days before Luke was born. His stocking was waiting for him when he came home 30 years ago.
What would I have done if he had been a girl? Named that girl "Luke", I guess!
CB's stocking is in the middle. Once I knew that he was going to be around for the long haul, I made his stocking.
Can I just say that I'm glad I have one husband and one child? Those stockings take forever!
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