But does that mean that I get their gifts in the mail in a timely fashion so they get them before their special days.
It does not.
I had all the shopping done. I promise I did. However, I just couldn't seem to seal the deal and get the packages to the post office.
Today, mailing those birthday packages was number 1 on my list of things to do.
Okay, it was number 2 (pause for juvenile humor to be recognized) because number 1 was having my second massage. Can I just say that I'm a believer in the magic of touch? Barbara at Body First is WONDERFUL. The. Best.
The presents are on their way to my lovely British daughters. I miss them every day. Especially on those days at work when I've about had it with all the bullshit. When they were at K State, they'd pop in with tea or coffee and we'd have a chat. Those girls always seemed to know when I needed a bit of a pick me up.
Love you Louise and Priya. You'll always be my girls.
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