There were pockets of glory today: a presentation to 130 international students, a stroll across campus, dinner with Luke and 2 students from China, and driving home looking at this moon.
This wonderful full moon began peaking out of the clouds as I was driving home from Manhattan. It was pale orange and looked like a pumpkin. Okay, a pale orange pumpkin, but certainly in the pumpkin family.
Now, I am not sure what the little white dot is below and to the right of the magnificent moon, but let's say it's a falling star that just won't burn out in order to grant all the wishes being made, shall we?
One thing is for sure, it's NOT a street light that I didn't notice when I was taking the picture.
I must say that as my husband is working 14 hour days, driving 4 hours every day to and from the job site, and we don't see each other very often, I know that he hung this moon especially for me. He knew I would need a pick me up tonight, something to watch and smile at after a day at the office that just wouldn't end. He hung that moon.
And every now and then he throws in a terrific sunset.
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