Today we buried CB's Uncle Jerry. He served in the United States Navy so was given military honors.
The last 4 years were not kind to Uncle Jerry. He had had a stroke and had been in a nursing home, completely dependent upon caregivers for even his most basic needs.
Before that, though, Uncle Jerry was a man about town. He drank coffee with friends about 5 times a day. I don't know how he ever got any sleep because he drank so much coffee!
This morning, CB, his sister and I ate breakfast at The Friendly Cooker in honor of Uncle Jerry. He ate there every morning of the world. And drank coffee there a couple of times a day!
I have fond memories of Uncle Jerry. One Sunday, I was at CB's mother's house for Sunday dinner. CB's sisters were there as well, as was Uncle Jerry. He had a brand new van. Brand. Spankin'. New. The girls and I were admiring it and someone mentioned that it would be nice to go for a ride in it.
Both sisters said that it probably wouldn't happen because it was brand. spakin'. new. and it was unlikely that Uncle Jerry would part with the keys.
That's all I needed to hear. Into the house I went, and the smoozing began. It wasn't long before I had those keys and we were off!
Unfortunatley, I overplayed my hand as I told the girls that I could probably get gas money, too. They laughed their asses off because they knew what I didn't: Jerry was cheap.
I never got gas money. But, then again, I never really needed it either.
Here's something interesting. At the cemetary, there were 2 sailors who were the military honor guard. One stood by the gravesite and one stood off to the side with a bugle. At the appropriate time, Taps was blown.
Except that it wasn't. Blown, I mean.
Oh, the bugle was at the lips of the bugler, but he never took a breath. It was a recording. A good recording, but a recording nonetheless.
The effect was the same.
Day is done
Gone the sun
From the lakes,
From the hills,
From the sky.
All is well,
Safely rest.
God is nigh.
Rest safely, Uncle Jerry.