Luke and I went to a local Mexican food place for lunch.
Whenever I go there, I feel like I am in San Antonio soaking up the local flavor and color! (Stay tuned...an actual trip to San Antonio is in mid-February. Photos, galore!) I wish I had the courage to grab bright paints and attack my kitchen.
My friend/sister-in-law, Karin, has the most beautiful kitchen I've ever seen. It's a brilliant red with those wonder pottery sun faces hanging everywhere. When I'm in that kitchen, I either want to eat tamales or drink tequila. Or both. (Karin, make a note for February!)

Funny story about these pictures: they weren't what I wanted to have as my Picture(s) of the Day. Here's what I wanted...I was driving on North Manhattan Street to meet Luke. Nothing important about the street; it's a regular 2 lane road except that it goes up a pretty steep hill. As is the case with steep hills, at various points you can't see what's coming down the hill towards you in the other lane.
So, I'm driving along, minding my own business, not talking on my cell phone because it's against the law in Manhattan and I am nothing if not a rule follower (Yeah. Right.). I'm in a line of cars following a beat up, older than dirt pick up with a Christmas tree in the back. A big, fat, live Christmas tree.
As the pick up starts up the steep hill, the laws of gravity begin to work and the Christmas tree falls out of the pick up. Naturally, all the cars behind the pick up stop because there's a
fricking Christmas tree in the middle of the road. By now I am searching for my camera since this is exactly the kind of thing I want to have a picture of.
The pickup does not pull over. The pick up stops, in the lane of traffic about 150 feet from the POD (point of discharge). Cars are now pulling around the pick up and, hoping that no one is coming from the other direction, zoom around. It became my turn to go around before I found my camera, damn it, so I have no picture. But the last thing I saw in my rear view mirror was the pick up backing up, that's right, backing up, on a steep hill, going backwards, the wrong way in his lane to get that darn Christmas tree.
I should add that it looked like a pretty good Christmas tree as it flung itself out of the bed of the truck.
Close your eyes, picture that truck, that tree, the traffic and you'll have the picture I wanted to take.
Stay tuned for tomorrow. Luke and I are going on a road trip. It's gonna be a hoot. A. Hoot.