As of December 31 at 5:30 p.m., "Say Cheese!" has had 4,725 page views. January had 250 and December had 530. The stats show that there are readers in 7 foreign countries - the UK I can explain, but I'm scratching my head about Singapore, Ukraine and Ireland.
Luke and I had 20 meals together which were blog worthy.
Eight former or current KSU students made the cut.
Paul Mintner showed up 8 times. He was off to a great start in February, having 5 mentions in the shortest month of the year, but then either he got busy or got boring. (I'm leaning towards busy, because Paul Mintner will never, ever be boring. Love you, Paul!)
On 11 occasions I talked about politics. In order to be counted in this category, there had to be more than a mere mention of how much I dislike republicans in general and Sam Brownshirt in general.
My dad showed up 10 times by name, about 381 times in spirit!
This year went by so fast but as I read back over my blog, I am pleased that I packed a lot of life and a lot of laughs into the previous 365 days. I am fortunate that I am surrounded by people who love me knowing that what they do in my presence (or in my memory) is fodder for this blog.
I've decided that I am going to make this resolution again for 2012. There are 2 main reasons: 2012 is a leap year which means I will have 1 more day to blather on about and 2012 is a presidential election year which means that the repuglicans will be even more evil than usual. Someone has to write about it. It's not like anyone else will, right?
Thanks to CB and Luke for maintaining their sense of humor; to Steve for giving me the idea in the first place; to Jennifer, LouAnn, Susan, Jimmy, Princess Diane and Krista who read every day; to the letters "W", "T" and "F"; to Paul Mintner for great material; and to the 10 blog "followers" (2 of whom are Paul Mintner!).
It's been fun.
Let's see what kind of crazy shit I can find in 2012!
Come along for the ride.