This is the sky at noon today. The blue sky is making an effort to show itself, but it didn't last! I'm tired of the rain and weary of saying "Oh, we need the moisture."
I don't have a picture of this, because I didn't have my camera with me, but I got lost on campus this morning.
Oh. Yes. I. Did.
I had a meeting in Eisenhower Hall. I found it just fine, thank you very much.
When I left, I got turned around some how. I think it was because it was raining and I was trying to get my umbrella open and not looking where I was going. It also could have been that I didn't see a step and very nearly took a nose dive (now
that would have been a picture of the day) while leaving the building.
Anyway, off I went in the general direction of the Union. Well, I thought it was in the general direction of the Union.
Pretty soon, I discovered that I was in an alley with no sidewalks and nothing looked familiar. All I could see were the backs of buildings.
It was raining.
I was getting wet.
I had on my new shoes.
The situation was desperate.
Not that desperate, I guess. I
was still on campus. How lost could I be?
I kept walking and walking.
I was getting wet which is what happens when you decide
NOT to put your slicker on and carry it instead.
I don't know why.
Finally, after wandering in the wilderness for nearly an hour, I spied Ahearn Field House. I was nearly home. Good thing, too, because I had to go to the bathroom. Badly. But, I was already wet, so it might not have made any difference....
Since I don't let the facts get in the way of a good story, it might have been more like 10 minutes instead of an hour.